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Rita D

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  1. Hi Tom.  It was encouraging reading your post this morning.  I just signed up a few minutes ago for information and encouragement and WOW .... there you were.  I have been diagnosed with Squamous Cell and I start treatment next week as the resection wasn't possible once they opened me up.   I do believe I am a very positive person and am very optimistic that I am going to conquer this 'intruder'. 

    1. Tom Galli

      Tom Galli


      I'm glad my words were of value.  I'm also happy about your optimistic attitude.  But, most importantly, realize there are no guarantees in lung cancer treatment.  There is however a common treatment result that people often fail to realize.  Treatment often results in extra life.  "How much?"  Wrong question in my view.  "What to do with it?"  This is a much better question and one I suggest you ponder.

      Now, go beat the beast!

      Stay the course.


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