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Posts posted by Juanita61

  1. Hi everyone, I found this site and hope that someone out there may help me.  I have just been diagnosed, and won't know more until I see a specialist next Wednesday.  I found out approximately a week ago that I have a golf ball size mass in my right lung; I understand a biopsy needs to be done to grade the tumor etc etc.  What is worrying me, and really driving me crazy (as if the diagnosis isn't enough), I just don't seem to want to stop smoking!!!!!!!!!!!!  Why is this?  I understand that I have been using cigarettes for many many years as a supposed tool to help me with stress (also PTSD sufferer, with depression and anxiety), but surely being told this you would think it would be the first thing you change.   Yes it's a high stress time, but this is my life.  And my constantly beating myself up over it is just making it worse.  Did anyone else have problems with stopping?  I suppose I'm hoping that it's not that unusual, that it can be difficult, that I'm not alone.  I am, I think, really scared, and I say "I think" because I just don't know.  So many emotions, so many questions as I'm sure you all understand.  Either way, I am glad I have found this site, by all accounts support is everything.  Thank you

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