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Posts posted by DanInMN

  1. Thanks Bridget,

    Sorry to hear you needed the lobectomy, and happy to hear you got it and things have been going well.  Thank goodness you went ahead with the procedure given the uncertainty of the situation!

    I wish I knew more about what my nodule looks like.  I have the report, and saw the images, but I lack the knowledge for what to look for or to ask about.  The CT report calls it a "pleural-based nodule that has shown interval growth".  My oncologist suggested a biopsy, but also offered waiting for another CT.  I'm not good at the waiting thing.  I asked for the biopsy, and the hospital called me within a couple hours to set up toe procedure for this coming Wednesday.  That's good, because I'd like to move quickly.  It's bad because I'm not as informed as I should be.  Plus, I went to my appointment with a terrible cold, so was not thinking straight.  And my wife, who is most of the brains in our family, could not come with.

    Folks in my colorectal forum have mentioned the danger of seeding during biopsies.  What little research I've done suggests this is a very rare issue.  I may try to get a hold of my oncologist again before my biopsy to see if I can't get some more information.  

  2. Thanks for the fast response, Tom.  I had actually gotten used to not having "scanziety".  Great term. :)

    NED seems to be the common phraseology, even if it is hard to explain to the general public.  I do appreciate your insights into possible causes of the node growth.  I was convinced it was nothing until I consulted Dr. Google and found the rate in the middle of the typical range for malignancy.  I don't know how/if the can tell if something like this was a met or a new primary if it does turn out to be cancer.

    I guess it is just a matter of a week of being scared until I know whether to be really scared or not.

  3. I had my 5 year follow-up with my oncologist for my colorectal cancer yesterday. My treatment was by the book, with most everything going the way you hope. Surgery went well. Got through chemo. No evidence of disease since the surgery.

    I've also had a few nodules in my lungs there were there from the beginning. They did not show up on the PET scan, did not react to the chemo, and were stable. Then, a year ago, the CT showed one of them grew a little (4 mm to 6 mm). Six months after that, still at 6 mm. Another 6 months, it is 9 mm.  So it went from 4 to 6 mm in a year, and from 4 to 9 mm in 2 years, with an uneven growth rate.

    Because these nodules existed before the colorectal cancer was detected, and did not react to chemo, my oncologist says they are unlikely related to the colorectal cancer. She also says the odds of it being cancer are low. But I don't feel reassured, and it is so disappointing to get 5 years out and suddenly need a biopsy. I know there is nothing magical about 5 years, and there never are guarantees, but I think it would have been a relief to get the all-clear regardless. 

    I thought maybe this lung forum might have some insights while I wait to get my biopsy.


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