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Posts posted by Sri

  1. As most of you know my brother who is in India is having stage4 squamous cell lung cancer. Today we went for second opinion this oncologist saying he should get liquid/ blood test biopsy to test the mutations since he had tissue biopsy to check for targeted murations before. This biopsy also useful to know which regimen can be used for further chemo. 

    His first and current oncologist said for squamous cell we just check tissue biopsy for mutations if it is adeno carcinoma we will check in blood. Which one is appropriate We are confused at this moment. Anyone has idea please share? Should we go for lquid biopsy as per second one?

    If hr needs to get blood test as per second one he got to travel for 6 hours which is very hard for him at this moment.

    And recent biopsy in esophagus also showed as Squamous cell carcinoma. He had already done with six cycles of carboplatin and Taxol which was failed. Now he is getting Gemzar.






  2. Sorry for not replying soon. Actually my brother's prognosis is very bad. Last week we came to know that his cancer got metastasised to esophagus thats why he is not able to eat/ drink. He lost 13 pounds last 2 weeks total 50 pounds so far from diagnosis. He is still getting Gemzar and on morphin patch for pain. But very fatigue and lost hope. I am keep on praying for him.




  3. My brother had onc appointment yesterday and it seems onc said immunotherapy doesn't suit him not sure why .I am planning to call doctor for the exact reason.

    Anyways he started with another chemo Gemcitabine 1700 mg weekly. For the first day he is doing fine, Ofcourse he completely switched to liquid diet.

    He is still going through pain.

    Praying at least this drug works on him. Fingers crossed . 




  4. Thank you Susan and Tom. 

    New thing in my brothers case is he spit up 2 small size hard sputum( its like blackberry size lumps) early in the morning yesterday and today. Does it mean  he is in terminal stage? He is going through so much pain , he is taking pain killers which is causing stomach upset. I am not with him to help him but when he tells me over the phone the pain he is going through I feel devastated. Usually he is a brave person until last week he was like I am going to kick this off but last two days he is telling I am giving up can't fight anymore. Very drastic change within a week.






  5. Got the scan results, feels devastated . Looks like chemo is not working .primary mass size increased from 10 cm to 12cm. Supraclavicular, mediastinal, abdominal lymph nodes sizes also increased and new nodes also found. Is this the reason for not able to eat?Tomorrow is Oncologist appointment to know the future plans.

    Also I read some where squamous cell doesn't respond to chemo, is it true? If chemo doesn't work what are the other treatment plans?Immunotherapy is very expensive in India. Since no mutations found no question of Targeted therapy.

    I asked my brother to ask doctor to insist on radiation but I doubt doctor will go that route. (Last month when I talked to him he said he suggest if it spreads to bones /brain to manage pain)

    So confused, scared. 




  6. Thank you Tom and Michelle. His planned 6 chemos are done and waiting for the scan results which was done yesterday. Hoping for the shrinkage.Reason I am more worried is he was absolutely fine until last week other than 2-3 days after chemo infusion.(His last infusion was almost 3 weeks back) From last week he was very fatigue and not eating anything because of pain. Since I was not with him I am not sure where he was feeling pain exactly yesterday he clearly mentioned that it's painful at throat and rib cage when he is earing. This worries me a lot. Unfortunately he can not take ice cream as he is diadetic as well.

    Will update as soon as scan results come.




  7. Thank you for the Reply Tom. He is having only chemo no radiation, I did talk to the doctor regarding radiation he said it doesn't help not sure why. So he is getting only chemo so far. His cancer spreaded to supraclavicular lymph nodes he is thinking swallowing difficulty might be because of that.  It seems doc suggested him to eat mushy foods to swallow easily.





  8. My brother had 6 chemo treatments of carboplatin and Taxol. His scan is scheduled for next wednesday. Until last week he was doing fine however since last week he has been complaining that he is having upper back shoulder pain also lot of fatigue. He feels hungry but not able to swallow, lost so much weight because of this. He is also having severe heartburn. I am confused are these symptoms mean cancer is growing or side effects of chemo? So depressed and devastated at this moment since I live far away from him and not able to help him.



  9. Hi Tom, 


    Thank you for the response, it really means alot to me . My brother was diagnosed squamous cell carcinoma not adenocarcinoma. 

    My brother is in India and I am in USA so I can't accompany him for doctor visit however My other brother goes along with him.

    Today he got 5th cycle of chemo and onc advised to complete 6 cycles of carboplatin and taxol and see .




  10. Hi, 


    My name is Kaly . My brother was diagnosed in Jan 2017 as stage IV NSCLC squamous cell.He is from India. He has 4 cycles of carboplatin / Taxol . After 3 months pet scan there is slight reduction in primary mass and some of lymph nodes. However there is a new nodule found in supraclavicular lymph node . Unfortunately all mutation test results are also negative so targeted therapy is not possible according to Onc. Not sure of immunotherapy availability in India. So overwhelmed and tensed at this moment and seeking for treatment advice to talk to oncologist in this kind of situation.





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