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Status Updates posted by lorriemanning3@gmail.com

  1. Tom what do u do for pain if u have any I got St 4 lung bone cancer and my rib n lung kill me

    1. Tom Galli

      Tom Galli


      I do indeed have chronic pain. I had three thoracic surgeries in less than a year and the surgeon used the same incision site for all three. Plus, the last one involved removal of two ribs and my right pectoral muscle.  So I have some rib pain in the front chest.  I deal with these conditions everyday and coughing, sneezing or a muscle cramp in my chest, back or abdomen can make my pain unbearable.  I have two strategies for coping.  

      First, I try and get through every day without taking pain meds.  During the summer, I stand in our community pool and the buoyancy effect provides some relief. I only deal with the pain at night, when I need to sleep.  

      I have all kinds of narcotic medication available to use but I don't use it often.  I don't like the narcotic haze and hangover the next day so they are my last resort.  I take two 0.5 mg of Xanax about 1/2 hour before I want to fall asleep.  This normally makes me drowsy enough to relax and sleep.  If needed, I take a third Xanax pill and some nights it is needed.  This methods works most of the time for me.

      Second, I also use lidocaine patches that my wife applies to my incision scars and front ribs.  These work, especially when my pain is elevated by a bout of coughing or sneezing.  We use surgical tape to fix the patches so they stay firm against my incision scars and front chest.  Lidocaine for spikes and Xanax to relax for sleep and temporary relief in the pool during the day is my strategy.

      Sometimes things get so bad that I take prescribed narcotic medication.  But, I've learned to tolerate the pain and as long as I can get some sleep, I can tolerate it during the day.  But, I really try and avoid sleepless nights.

      I hope this explanation helps you.

      Stay the course.


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