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Posts posted by LaurieBurgess

  1. My dh was dx with stage iv sclc that had spread to brain on Nov 17, 2021. He had a work place accident where he hit his head suffered a seizure and transported to nearest hospital. Once he was at ER he suffered another seizure.  After testing it was discovered that he had a brain tumor.  Next day we received the news that he had a lung tumor in left lung.  Lung bronchoscopy was attempted on 11/24/21 unfortunately once they administered fentanyl he suffered a heart attack.  No previous history of heart problems.  Heart attack was caused by fentanyl.  Discharged after 3 days.  2 weeks later we were informed that he had 3 brain tumors.  Lung biopsy was done on 1/10/22 confirmed sclc dx unfortunately he suffered a collapsed lung.  In hospital for 7 days.  In my state if you have a seizure you can not drive for 6 months.  My dh was only 57 when he had his seizure.  He did radiation on brain tumors which appeared to be working.  Chemo was started a week later.  Unfortunately the immunotherapy was no longer working by Sept 2022.  He just completed chemotherapy with pacilatell (taxol).  Most recent mri of brain shows growth of one of the tumors now scheduled to meet with specialists for LITT treatments.  Surgeons will not due brain surgery due to his reaction to fetanyl.  Now being told that there is brain swelling.  I had to quit my job because of all of numerous appts treatments.  He could not drive and I was spending my entire paycheck on transportation and caregiving.  Been living off his 401K.  We have to much in assets for him to qualify for Medicaid.  Facing medical bills to the tune of 30000.  Rate we r going we will not be able to afford his treatment for much longer.  How do people survive when faced with the mounting medical bills.  We own our 2 vehicles outright both of them over 15 years old.  Live in a 750 square foot house.  We do not live above our means.  We both always worked and never took a handout and always paid our bills.  Now we can barely afford health insurance. We had to go to the marketplace.  Rates went up for us by 75% and we are still responsible for 20% of all medical bills once he meets his maximum out of pocket expenses.  The LITT treatment costs close to 40000 we will be on the hook for 8000 of it.  What do others do for help with the medical bills.  

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