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    mat2000 got a reaction from Justin1970 in New here   
    Trying to get info/experience that might help me get thru this thing.
    Scheduling for surgery for a growing, Pet SUV 6.2 2.1cm RLL indeterminate nodule after failed State of the Art Monarch Robotic Assisted Biospy.  Very disappointed. Cost 10k. Have no clue what to do or expect.
    Surgeon wants to do a lobectomy with Da Vinci robotic assisted thoracic - RATS
    Says will do full intercostal nerve block, gabapentin, tramadol, hydrocodone, topical lidocaine. Will not let me try gabapetin or tramadol prior to see if have adverse or allergeric reactions. Have severe asthma, allergies.
    Terrified me with everything that could go wrong. Just recovering from 5 yr car accident, finally walking. So focus on prayer/praise and walking 4mi, doing 3 flights of 28 steps daily.
    Not prepared for whole ordeal. Any tricks on getting thru this? How long to recovery. Live alone with cat, dog. Family out of state. Plan on sleeping sitting up.
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