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Posts posted by Gillianmillian

  1. 23 hours ago, LouT said:

    Welcome to our forum.  I'm glad you found us.  As a lung cancer survivor, I fully understand your concern about nodules.  After researching on spiculated lung nodules I believe I found the article you referred to and you likely misinterpreted the information.  It does state that "90% of malignant nodules are spiculated".  But it also says that "2/3 of all benign nodules (which make up 90% of all nodules found) are spiculated".   I realize it's a lot of math to do, but even spiculated nodules are more likely to be benign than malignant.  Your doctors are wise to wait and watch.  They will likely look for changes and/or growth for any of the nodules before ordering a biopsy; which is the only true way to know if a nodule is malignant or benign.

    I get that finding anything in our lungs is upsetting, but until you get any more proof that this nodule (spiculated or not) is malignant please try and stay calm.  Right now the odds are with you.  Please keep us updated and ask any other questions that you may have.


    Hello LouT,

    Thanks for your answer, It is very helpful. Can you please send me the link.

    If 90% of malignant lung nodule are spiculated it is very likely that my lung nodule is also malignant. Every data and studies I found, describes spiculated lung nodules to be very suspicious of malignancy. With a predictive value of 90%. I asked a few radiologist on the internet regarding spiculated lung nodules, for them spicula is like a sure sign of the nodule being cancerous. Benign cases are a exception but not the rule when it comes to spiculated lung nodules. Although there are rare cases such as infection, scarring, or other benign causes that can mimic a spiculated nodule, the chances of it being benign are generally very low.

    I‘ve also spoken to few people who had spiculated lung nodules and unfortunately in almost all cases it turned out that they were malignant. That’s why I’m really concerned. 

  2. Hi, I don't have a diagnosis yet, but I also have lung nodules, one of the nodule is spiculated which is very worrisome. I have to do a followup Ct scan in 6 months. What is your diagnosis? Hope you are well.

  3. Hello, I’m new here and hope I can get some advice and support. I live in Germany, so sorry in advance for my English. 
    I’m a male 58years nonsmoker, high blood pressure, asthma and allergies.

    I have had a dry cough, hoarseness and urgent to clear my throat, shortness of breath for over 2 years. At the beginning of this year I went to a Pulmonologist to get it checked and got diagnosed with asthma which is now treated with medication. My doctor still ordered a CT scan which Showed 5 solid lung nodules The nodules are between 4-5mm in size, One of the nodule is spiculated, next Ct scan will be in 6 months. The nodules are too small to do biopsy or Petscan, so the approach is to just watch and wait for now.
    I‘ve done alot of research and all studies and data I’ve found, state that Spiculated lung nodules are malignant in 90% of the time, So the likehood of if it being cancer is very high, I’m very concerned.

    My Ct report


    1 subpleural laterobasal lung nodule on the right

    1 lung nodule is spiculated and in the middle lobe on the right

    2 completely calcified nodules upper lobe on the right

    1 Atypical perifissual nodule, 1 micronodule on the right

    1 typical perifissual upper lobe on the right

    No detectable enlarged lymph nodes mediastinally

    No pleural effusion. No bone changes suspected of being malignant


    A total of 5 solid lung nodules on the right under 5 mm, 2 which are perifissural, one typical and one atypical - further CT control in 6 months

    Two calcified lung nodules in the right upper lobe, most likely granulomas


  4. On 2/4/2022 at 1:31 AM, Jason 74 said:

    Hi, I have been reading up between the internet and on this forum trying to get as much information as possible about a couple nodules that were found on my left lower lung. Its been a long slow process of tests and delays due to covid. 

       I had a CT scan which showed 2 nodules close to one another with one a little over 1CM and the other 6mm. They are spiculated which obviously is worrisome. I was then sent for a PET scan which showed high activity in my mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes, and minor activity in my 2 nodules. The nodules had an SUV max of 5.8 and my lymph nodes were a 16. My pulmonary doctor thought it looked more like and infection in my lymph nodes then lung cancer so he had me do an infectious blood marker test which came back positive for a fungal infection. He felt my activity was all due to the infection. But did perform a bronochscopy of my lungs. He did a biopsy of my lymph nodes which came back benign, but didnt do a biospy of my nodules due to the risks they presented due to their location. He said they were in a bad spot and I had a greater risk of having a collapsed lung. Instead he ordered a blood marker NPV test through Biodesix INC for cancer markers. The test came back with a very low risk of cancer of less then 5 percent. It said it was a high probability of being benign. But it did say it  couldnt rule cancer out.  They want to keep a watch on the spots to make sure they dont grow.  The doctors said for me to come back in 3 months for another CT scan for a check up. 

      The fact that they are spiculated and cancer wasnt 100% ruled out just makes me uneasy. The doctors feel my risk factors are very low. I am 47 in good health and a non smoker....  I know to some this may seem silly but does getting a second opinion make sense? If this might be cancer waiting 3 more months just makes me uneasy. I appreciate anyone who reads this and takes the time to respond. 

    Best regards 



    did you find out the cause of your spiculated lung nodules? 
    what was your diagnosis?

    hope you are doing well.

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