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    Lung cancer patient/survivor
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  1. I cancelled 3 lobectomy procedures since they told me I had NSCLC squamous in situ Stage 1a I am elderly and legal guardian to a 9 and 11 year old. We are a family and I had to reconsider the surgery because I must be here for them and not displace them from what they know as home. I did some research and was informed by a cancer patient with stage 1 lung NSCLC, like me that if I was a candidate for a lobectomy, I was a candidate for the treatment he received. SBRT. I would only have to receive 5 zaps of radiation and CT scans every 3-6 months. Driving myself to and from to the cancer center to get 15 minutes of radiation treatment with little, if any side effects was what would be my preferred treatment. Tomorrow, I go in for what is called Simulation and probably beginning the week after. My children and I can continue our lives in our little 2 bedroom apartment together, without inconvenience or burden. Yay!
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