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Everything posted by bobby22

  1. He's taking about 5omg of oxy per day but now they are talking about a fentanyl patch - any experience with that? I'm very happy to hear that we have at least five more regimens at our disposal but I'm worried that the disease progresses while they are watching and waiting...
  2. It has been awhile since my last post and my dad seems to be doing ok but I still have so many questions. His diagnosis was in January of 2006 but he had been complaining of bone pain for several months prior to his official diagnosis, which was the result of a needle biopsy. Prior to his diagnosis of metastatic NSCLC to the bones he had been told he had arthritis; even though three years prior he had part of his lung removed due to NSCLC. His treatment at MSKCC has been one of the platinum based doublet therapies and he has had a limited response. His most recent PET scan showed lower SUVs and some nodule shrinkage. His sixth and final treatment will be tomorrow and we're not really sure what will be next. The doctors, with some exceptions, at MSKCC have been great and will offer us some alternative/second line treatment tomorrow. Has anyone had experience with second line treatments? What should we ask them? My dad has had treatment every three weeks and feels great by the second week after treatment but by the third week he becomes really debilitated by the pain and I'm worried what will hapen after they stop this current regimen - they say six treatments is the maximum. I asked the nurse if the pain he has now is a symptom of disease progression and she wasn't sure but will schedule a PET scan. He just had a PET scan; how quickly can the diease progress? The nurse also said we "will know" when the end is near. What does that mean. Thanks
  3. Hi, My dad has been diagnosed with NSCLC with bone and soft tissue mets. He has great difficulty breathing and has lost a lot of weight. The breathing difficulty is caused in part by nodules in his lungs. He will begin Taxotere/Carboplatin chemo next week (what they're waiting for, I have no idea). What can we expect? What perecntage of patients respond and if they do, how long does it take? Side effects? Any information, especially anecdotal, would be helpful.
  4. Cindy, How was your dad diagnosed? How long has it been since his diagnosis? What changes do you see in him, physically? Sorry about all the questions but I have nowhere else to turn.
  5. Joan, Yes, your story was helpful and I wish you continued success. What was your primary cancer? Did you ever have a PET scan? How did you discover the bone mets?
  6. It's hard to be patient but I know you're right. I've read a lot articles on the internet and they all seem to conclude that he has 6 months or less from date of diagnosis. That just can't be.
  7. Recently, my dad had a PET scan that showed metastates to the bone. He's been having trouble breathing and terrible bone pain. He had lung cancer about three years ago and prostate cancer about five years ago. Both were treated: lobectomy and prostatectomy. Currently, we won't have a definitive diagnosis until he has a biopsy, which will be perfomed in a few days but it looks like metastatic lung cancer to the bone. I say this because his most recent PSA was undetectable and he has trouble breathing. What amazes me is that his PET scan showed very obvious bone mets and he was/is in a great deal of pain and yet they won't treat him until he has the biopsy and definitive diagnosis. What can we expect? What is his prognosis? What should we do? HELP!
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