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Posts posted by ginnie

  1. I too have stage 4 and am close to your Mom's age. Your Mom is in a earlier progression than I am. I have lymph node involvement in the chest and neck which makes it inoperable. Sounds like your Mom has a good chance to get rid of the masses before they start to spread to the other lymph nodes. If she is basically a healthy person then she shouldn't have any problem handling the surgery or the treatments after. Hang in there and if you don't feel comfortable with the doctor's choices then get a second opinion!


  2. ok here goes, i'm going to list symptoms i have and i want to know if anyone has any ideas or opinions.. headaches - infrequent but i don't normally have any, numbness in face and arms-not constant, just comes and goes, low grade fever - not constant, tired, muscle weakness at times, coughing - non-productive, vision is odd, i've been to the dr. and had ct scans of head, neck, chest, and abdomen, no progression, no fluid in lungs. i just don't feel good, best way to describe it is like how you feel when you start to get the flu. I thought maybe depression, i'm on effexor and don't really feel depressed. dr. is sending me to a neurologist.

  3. i had 2 and 3 degree burns from radiation. the only thing i found that gave me relief is a moist wound dressing called Mepilex. It can be worn during treatments also to reduce damage to skin. Talk to your radiation nurse about it. Mine provided the bandages to me. She had to get them from a medical supply rep.

  4. Well, i'm still having headaches, went to the dr yesterday, ct scan of head was clear. going to see neurologist. having sob and swelling right side of neck, so ct scans on monday... and the hits just keep on coming.... have to laugh, it's better than crying!

    take care, love and prayers to all


  5. it is very normal to be angry and depressed when you get dx with cancer. it wouldn't hurt if his dr. can prescribe an anti-depressant ie: effexor, etc. i think that attitude plays a big part on how well you do in the fight. You may not win but giving up will not help him or the people he cares about. Your mother needs to understand that this is just as much a mental fight as it is a physical one. I can imagine how she feels, I have never been sick and then to receive this was a real shock. I have to remind my self that I'm not as strong as i use to be. as a caregiver the best thing you can do is be supportive and learn as much as you can to help him in the fight. Don't pay attention to the stats, everyone reacts differently. I was diagnosed with stage 4, 1-3 years, and to see me today you wouldn't even know i have cancer. I don't care what the dr. says the only one who knows how much time i have is God and until then I will enjoy all that life has. Please come here with questions and for support. Wishing you all the best!


  6. i tried to get my disability but they told me i made too much money working. I went part time and I still made too much, so i went back full time. I have to work to keep my medical insurance and if I don't work the rent doesn't get paid. My husband makes less than me so he can't cover the rent and the rest of the expenses. what i make working full time covers the bills. If I were to get my disability then we could make it with no problem.

  7. i have taken care of the big things, paid the car off, set up my arrangements and paid for them. I have tried to apply for my disability but they say i make too much money (what a joke!). i am still working but i know there will come a time when I won't be able to and my husband cannot support us on his pay alone. That is the one thing that has me frustrated, I'm afraid to feel sick - i can't afford to! so on days when i don't feel so good I still go to work. I worked all through my treatments and I know that I can't do that again but financially i don't have much of a choice.

  8. so far no progression, dr. appt in sept and then pet scan in oct. I think the spots she saw on the ct scan is what she wants to see on the next pet, to see if they light up.

  9. Hello all,

    I know i am probably tempting fate but I feel good, don't feel like i have a terminal illness. It's been almost a year since my dx and other than a little numbness in my fingers i feel normal. One thing that is bothering me is this, i am a planner, i like to prepare for things before they happen. Of course with lc can't really prepare for what's coming because it is different for everyone. What to do??? I guess I just want to make sure that if/when i get sick I have everything handled (bills, money, family)so that no one has to do things for me. I just don't know how long i have until i start to feel sick. How long does it take for lc to start progressing? and where does it progress to? I know it is different for everyone but there has to be an approx. time and path of progression.

  10. there is a dressing that is made for moist wounds. I can't remember the name but it was all that kept me from wanting to jump off a bridge when I had my radiation burns. it really works and takes away the pain of the burn

  11. Good afternoon all,

    I have a friend at work who has cancer she is elderly and is a volunteer here at work. She is in the hospital and the dr told her that the cancer has moved to her spinal fluid and that it would not be much longer. This is an amazing lady, she has been fighting cancer for many years and doctors gave up on her long ago but that didn't stop her from finding the right doctor to help her fight for life. She is in her eighties and is a wonderful person. As sick as she has been, she always asks how I'm doing. I would like to ask you all to pray for her, her name is Barbara. Thank you!



  12. calling hospice to help is not a bad thing, it is very hard to care for someone 24/7 and the more help you can get the better for all. you are not a loser either, i lived at home until i was 38 and i have memories that i would never give up. the only reason i moved out was i got married! so hang in there and take each day as it comes.

    love and prayers,


  13. Hello all,

    I received my scan results, lymph nodes in the chest have grown slightly, multiple spots on both lungs now all less than 1 cm. Pet scan has been scheduled to see if it is cancer cells. Wish the news was better. Love and prays to all


  14. I just had my 3 month ct scans today and am anxious for the results. Don't know if they will be good or not, my cough started back up and it is not going away (like before). Anyway, have to stay positive! I hope everyone is doing well and I think about you all everyday and pray for you.


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