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Posts posted by ginnie

  1. Carleen,

    You are the perfect example of how amazing caregivers are! every caregiver here is an inspiration to us the patient to keep fighting and never lose hope.

    best wishes and prayers for you and Keith


  2. Shanna,

    you are feeling the same as my daughter does regarding this disease. Every chance I get I make memories with the ones I love, doesn't matter whether it's just a laugh or a party, just make happy memories. What your mom needs most right now is knowing that you are there for her to lean on no matter what.


  3. Shanna,

    you are feeling the same as my daughter does regarding this disease. Every chance I get I make memories with the ones I love, doesn't matter whether it's just a laugh or a party, just make happy memories. What your mom needs most right now is knowing that you are there for her to lean on no matter what.


  4. Hello everyone,

    Haven't been on in awhile. My brother passed away on Mar. 7th, he had a seizure and hit his head. He didn't have cancer, I do. Had 3 month scans yesterday and am just waiting on the results. Take care.

  5. I need some advice, since I was dx in Sept.05 my husband and I have not really talked much about lc. He seems to have the attitude that I'm just sick and I'll get well, no problem. I'm not sure if he really understands what lc is all about, what to expect, that this is not going to disappear overnight and everything go back to the way it was. Sometimes it's like the big white elephant in the room that no one sees. How do I talk with him about this without making it sound morbid? I don't want him to constantly worry but I need to know he understands what could happen. When I'm upset I don't cry in front of him or my daughter (she is 22), I'm afraid I'll upset them or scare them. I want them to know and be able to talk to me. Right now they don't, my daughter is afraid of upsetting me. My husband is the type that keeps worries inside, doesn't talk about them. How do I help him open up and talk about this?

  6. I know how he feels. I lost 60 pounds after my radiation was finished, throat was a mess. The hardest part about trying to eat is that there is no taste or things taste bad. I ended up in the hospital due to inability to eat. I tried to but then I would get sick so i figured why bother. The one thing that helped me to start eating again was chicken broth, it was salty so i could taste it. As far as the smoking, that was the only thing that didn't make me sick to my stomach. It's not denial, it's trying to get through this.

  7. I hate feeling this way, that all I’m doing is waiting for the other shoe to drop. Every time that I feel a pain or an ache all I can think is… is it growing, has it spread? I feel like I’m stuck in limbo and don’t know how to move on. I’m a planner and can’t stand to have things so unknown. I need to plan, need to know what’s coming so I can prepare for it. I feel out of control and I don’t know how to get it back. I keep all this bottled up inside, I don’t want my husband or daughter to see how much this is tearing me up so I put on a front. Do the same thing at work. I act like everything is ok and it isn’t. I’m not in control of my life anymore and I hate it! I hate how much this has changed my life. I never got sick, never had to go to doctors and now that’s all I do. Live from one appointment or test to the next. I’m sure many of you have felt this way, sorry to vent but no where else to let it out.

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