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Everything posted by HumbledByHerStr8nth

  1. Hello, I am new here and am trying my best to deal with this terrible disease. On 1/31/06 my wife passed out. We thought she had a stroke. After 10 days in the hospital running many tests it was found that she has non small cell lung cancer that has spread to 5 spots on her brain, one on her liver, one on her lymph nodes,one on her kidney and one at the base of her spine. The only symptom she had was a slight headache and she has always had headaches so we thought nothing of it. The doctor told us that it is inoperable and that with treatments she has 6 months to live. She did 10 radiation treatments to the brain and has had 2 chemo treatments so far. She is only 50yrs old. We were both married before and have 3 grown children each and a son together that is soon 8yrs old. He doesnt quite understand what is going on with mom and turns his head if she enters the room without her hat on because he doesnt like seeing her with no hair. Most of the 8yr we have been married has been complicated by teenage children and all that comes with teens and step-parents and have had very little time to ourselves and now that time is being cut short. We wanted a chance to marry again, have a child and do things different than our 1st marriages by learning from past mistakes. I have been spending as much time at home with her as I can since my business is slow right now. It hard to keep the boat afloat though because we have no health insurance and the doctor visits and meds keep us broke. She will get social security disability but not until July and the social sevices department are quite a joke. The lights,water and phone about to be turned off and the rent is due next week. Anyone know where one can get a little help? Im at wits end. Even if I had work to do, it is hard because she has dizzy spells,weakness,memory loss and does some strange things like messing up every room in the house for no reason and washing 3 loads of laundry without even putting the clothes in. Steroids and Ambien dont mix well with chemo as a chaser. Im rattling on I know, but I have no other outlet. I cry alone just about every day but try and look strong for her and my son, I work when I can and do my best to keep the housework done and see that our son gets off to school. Not quite at the breaking point yet, but close.
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