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Posts posted by tkelley

  1. Hi All,

    I haven't been saying much lately because my dad hasn't been doing very well. I honestly didn't think he would make it to June and yet we are almost there and are still in treatment. He was unable to get into the clinical trial he wanted to a couple of months ago so he opted to try the Gemzar even though the doc said it only had a 3% chance of working and would hopefully bring some stability. Well, he didn't do well on the dose they were giving him initially and had to knock it down to 2 weeks on/1 off and lower the dose so that he could tolerate it. He has lost so much weight and has been so weak and mainly just sitting around not saying or doing much. A big trip is going out to the mailbox. He had scans done last week and we got the results today. We were all shocked to hear "stability" and actually some slight shrinkage in some areas. I was expecting to hear "hospice". So, I guess thats good news! They decided to continue treatment so he got another dose today. I am just hoping that his quality of life improves. I guess its the age old saying "one day at a time". Thinking of you all,


  2. Don't panic.....my dad has had a spot show up on his adrenal gland since his first cancer diagnosis six years ago and it doesn't do anything....just there. They don't believe it is cancerous. Hang in there! Sending positive prayers and thoughts your way!

  3. So sad to hear this news. I've missed Cindi since she stopped posting. She always made me smile and had such wonderful things to say. I too, hope she was not alone at the end. Peace, love and prayers for her family.


  4. I am so sorry for your loss. Please give those boys a great big hug. She had a wonderful spirit that I am sure will live on in her children. Love, peace and prayers to your family.


  5. Sorry the news is not what you hoped for. There are lots of "experts" around here as far as treatments go so once you find out what the protocol is, I am sure there are people around here who can share their experiences.

  6. Well,

    Dad took a month off to get "clean" in order to try a new clinical trial after the last one didn't work. Unfortunately the trial he most interested in doesn't know when they will be able to get him started. So, after having a couple of days of coughing up blood, a couple of weeks of terrible coughing fits, etc., he has decided to go with the Gemzar and see how that goes. He had his first infusion today. His oncologist was very honest with him that he cannot "cure" him but try to give him some stability and quality of life. Right now, it just seems like he is going downhill fast. He is really down, can't do much and I think is starting to face some end of life issues. He said he's not ready to stop fighting and wants to see how this goes. I have a new little nephew due to come into the world at the end of the month. We are hoping he will be well enough to take a trip up to New York and meet his newest grandson. Its been a rough couple of weeks around here. Just trying to keep my chin up and enjoy any time we have with my dad. Sorry to be such a bummer tonight. Wish I had more happy and upbeat news to share.


  7. Oh Julia....I am so so sorry to hear this news. I am at a loss for words but know through his posts that he truly loved you and had such an amazing attitude despite all he was going through. Thoughts, prayers and hugs for you and all of Aaron's family and friends.


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