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Posts posted by laban

  1. Hello Marco Jo,

    Thank you for taking the time to share your sisters condition and treatment. Every little bit I hear about sclc and it's recurrence and treatment will help me care for my husband. I don't like surprises, neither does he.

    Stay strong for your sister and the rest of the survivors and caregivers who post on this site.

    God Bless You Both,


  2. Hello enyaw061032..........

    No wonder people worry about their healthcare. If the same has happened to you and to my husband, it's no telling how many others out there have been mis-diagnosed. Oh well, enough of that. We cannot change the past.

    Do you have alot of back pain from your mets to the spine? My husband has little pain in the areas that are indicated on the PET as "hot". He wonders if these are just aches and pains or bone pain from cancer. It's is hard to realize he has cancer when he's feeling pretty good. I hope it's a big mistake, but I realize that is probably just wishful thinking.

    Thank you for sharing your story with me.


  3. To all my friends and caregivers with sclc.

    It's ugly, can't deny that, but all your encouraging words are so appreciated. My hubby is doing pretty good right now. We're patiently waiting for a second opinion from H Lee Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa on Feb 12th. His scans have had such different impressions from different radiologists that we're not sure what is going on. Hopefully all the medical records and films that we have forwarded to Moffitt will tell the truth of his condition. I am slowly learning what "one day at a time" means. I also am a firm believer in saying the Serenity Prayer daily. They're so many of you out there that are so much worse off than us. We're fortunate that we have good insurance and great family support. I worry daily about those of you who have no one. God bless you all.

    Laurie (laban)

  4. Hello Again,

    I so realize there are too few who can talk with me about recurrent SCLC because they are no longer with us. I hate to sound negative, but it's hard not to.

    There was another area showing mets in the MRI of his thigh that did not show up on the original PET in December. Is it growing that fast??

    His appointment for 2nd opinion is 2/12/07. We all know that SCLC is fast growing. Does it spread as fast in the bones? Is it the same cells as original?? YIKES, is waiting going to be more to his detrement? He is more of a realist than most and does not want any sugar coated maybe's. Please, anyone with experience of bone mets after treatment response please tell me what you know.


  5. Hello to all once again,

    My husband had a bone scan on 1/4 that did not describe what the PET scan on 12/29 described. We saw the Oncologist yesterday and he is is going to talk with each Radiologist reading the two different scans and hopefully get some insight. The PET read about uptake in 4 areas consistent with Bony Metastisis described as abnormal bony hypermetabolism and abnormal uptake. Can't understand why one test would be so pronounced and the next test not indicate uptake in any but one of those areas. The Dr talks of a possible biopsy in one area, which may just be an old injury. This is really a roller coaster that I'd rather not be riding on. SCLC is pretty tricky, so we're sure hoping that it has not come back this soon. Thanks for this board, because it really helps to unload.


  6. Thanks to you all for your support. My husband had a bone scan and we should get details on Monday, 1/8/06. He's feeling pretty good so we're thankful for that.

  7. Hello,

    My husband (59) was diagnosed with LD-SCLC 4/06. He went through 6 cycles of Carboplatin/Etoposide and 35 rads to his chest. He had extensive esophageal problems and had 7 dilatations of his esophagus. He finished chemo 9/06. He underwent 17 rads to brain and finished that 11/06. In 10/06 his PET said “no new suspicious hypermetabolic foci are seen.” The Dr said, "remission." Wonderful news but my husband remained cautiously optimistic.

    He had a 2 month follow up PET scan since his one in October and I was very surprised to see that the cancer is back in his bones. He also has some other issues going on in his chest and near his vocal cords that could be new hypermetabolic foci or damage from the extensive radiation.

    My thoughts are it seems awfully soon for so many new areas? I have read that if the cancer comes back 6 months or greater after a complete remission, that there is a better chance of a longer survival. Can anyone give me their thoughts on this one. He will have a bone scan tomorrow to determine the extent of the mets to the bone and we have an appointment with the oncologist on Monday to figure out what treatment options we have available. Does this scenario sound familiar to anyone. I'd appreciate any information I can get so we know the questions to ask.

    Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated. Oh, and by the way, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


  8. Hi Bill,

    It took some guts to admit to all of that. Even though I don't necessarily agree with smoking while undergoing treatment, I still appreciate you honesty and salute you for your integrity. Good luck and God Bless.


  9. Hello,

    My husband had significant weight loss and a cough that wouldn't go away. We didn't realize the weight loss was from cancer eating away at his body. We had been out West (we live in Orlando) all winter last year and were skiing. We just thought the exercise was doing it. He did not feel bad, just a nagging cough. When we got home in March he had a routine xray and wham, SCLC. He has since had 6 rounds of Carboplatin/Etoposide and 35 rads to his chest. He is finishing his whole brain radiation tomorrow. The last PET was "No active disease." He's doing good. He was a smoker for 40 years so we weren't too surprised when the SCLC was diagnosed. Well Kevin, that's our story.

  10. Thank you twodogs.........we appreciate any information we can get on this. Today will be Bill's 5th day of PCI and he feels fine, although he's not expecting much of anything until maybe into the end of the second week. The Dr did say that the rads given would not be as strong as compared to his initial chest radiation so with that he's plugging along. It's good to hear you stay active as I think that is so important to one's overall health.

  11. Alynn, don't feel bad. I'm still trying to understand all the initials that I see on these boards.

    PCI is Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation. This simply means that Bill will have radiation to his whole brain in case any microscopic cancer cells may have traveled up to his brain, even though none show up on the MRI.

    His Dr has said that the only side effects he will have is fatigue and hair loss. The Dr also said that there is only a 1% chance of brain damage w/short term memory loss.

    We understand that the radiation is half the rads and half the time that his chest radiation was. He had pretty severe side effects from the chest radiation, but is recovering pretty well. I'm just praying he doesn't have any long term side effects that show up later.

    Stay with these boards.......these people are wonderful and so helpful.


  12. Thank you ztweb for sharing your dad's story. Our Dr just gave us the "excellent response" treatment diagnosis and my husband still doesn't believe the cancer is actually gone. We will see the Radiation Oncologist on Thursday and I guess ask more questions then. I too am most thankful that God is watching over him and healing him from this awful disease and treatment. I'll stay in touch as we go.

  13. My husband has sclc and has been in treatment all summer. He was diagnosed 4/06 and had Carboplatin/Etoposide for 6 cycles along with 35 radiation treatments to his chest for 3 masses. He has permanent damage to his esophagus from the radiation burn. He has had to have his esophagus dilated 7 times to "remodel" it so that he can eat normally. He just had his scans and looks pretty good, I think. He is supposed to start PCI possibly next week. It's hard to find any up to date information on this treatment and would love to know someone who has been through it. My husband is just now starting to feel good. Will he be down again from the PCI? Thanks to anyone and everyone. lban

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