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  1. MARYG


    hi nick. i went to one meeting before my car stopped running. now i cannot go places and it really was not of helps anyway.
  2. MARYG


    I would like to thank all those who reply with nice thoughts to me on introductions board. its difficult knowing what to say about my husband. I am what might be known as loner and he was all there was but then he passed away. its more than year and half now and as I always said I can never be ok. and I was right. if any of you have seeen one of commercials I think it might be for flu medicines. there is someone and you can sort of see through him. welll its how I am.......... not really around anymor. I made it through easter. of course as all holiday times are I did not speak to nobody. after richard passed away my car stoped running and now I am in prison in my home. I always have talks with richard and cats. but nobody who answers me though. I have one cat who lives with me and various strays who are usually around.
  3. I am new here. I lost my husband to lung cancer. I was with him practically my whole life. he was all I had and now I have nobody. he had lot of health problem for years but from when they told us he had lungs cancer till he passed away was matter of days. I misss him and can never be ok. without him. anyway I thought it might be goood to share with others who are in grief.
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