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Everything posted by warmpup

  1. Actually, to a layman, the report looks great to me except maybe the following; Findings: Diminished FDG localization is demonstrated in the anterior tip of the left temporal lobe corresponding on the CT images to an area of encephalomalacia. This may be secondary to previous radiation therapy. There is a small area of increased FDG localization seen in the left pariental lobe just posterior to the sylvian fissure. Otherwise homogeneous FDG distribution is demonstrated throughout the other cerebral structures. The remainder of the report was quite assuring that everything else is stable. That's all I have until I visit with the oncologist next week. -Pup
  2. Yep yep yep, the more I think about it, the more I feel I did the correct thing in applying for SSDI. If I were working for Government or Big Business, ( 37 years on the job ), I would be retired by now. And yes, I have been going to bed between 7 and 8 PM every night and sleeping thru to 6 AM. So, I am trying to work fewer hours. Medically, when the brain mets hit, everything else stopped. So I haven't received any lung radiation yet. A new set of Pets ( head and body ) next week, the the oncologist will devise a plan of attack. And I will not worry about work so much! I am thinking about the retirement plans I have and how am I ever going to meet them TH Barb
  3. Just wish to take a couple of minutes to thank those who have taken a moment or two to read my ramblings and offer encourage and very helpfull suggestions! -Pup
  4. WOW Yet another good piece of information! TY ! -Pup
  5. You are a funny one. Yeah, between the steroids and the radiation, I got soooooo weak. But as I taper down and get farther and farther away from the radiation, i get stronger and stronger
  6. Liz I finnished my WBR on a wednesday, 10 sessions, my hair began falling out on Friday night during my sleep. My ears began ringing about a week after the last WBR. My Oncologist told me not to drive until I see him next, which is scheduled to be in the 3rd week in January. My last WBR was November 7. The people I work with and myself decided I'm ok to drive now. My oncologist has my taper off schedule 2 for 2 weeks, 1 for 2 weeks, 1/2 for 2 weeks then 1/2 every other day for 2 weeks. So I should be completey void of steriods when the head and body CT/PET is done the week of January 7. I just looked at my home made calendar hanging on my fridge, my last 1/2 is Saturday Jan 5 08. Now mind ya, before the 8 week taper off program, I was on 3 a day. So I guess we can't play pro baseball Good luck. *hugz* -Pup
  7. Had a follow up with the radiation doc today, and she said she was pleasantly pleased with the fact that I immediately responded to just the steroids. So I asked what exactly is in my head, a node, a mass? She responded a swelling? I'm all like WHAT??? It gets rooted in your brain causing swelling. So then she tested my strength, my balance, my reflexes and made me walk the line. I did OK but not up to my usual. So now what should I look into a different radiologist? When my brain short circuited and I fell apart, they did glue me back together rather quickly. Was hospitalized Friday, went to work Tuesday. Had to hitch a ride but went to work. Enuf om my ramblings, time to make dinner. Hugs to everyone. -Pup
  8. I work for a very small business, 40 Employees total. No dissability, no long/short term care, $10K life. The health so far has been very good, the most I've paid is $20 or 30 to see a doc and 15 to 50 for prescription drugs. FMLA ??? what is this? Brain Mets are auto stage 4 ? OH MY WORD again I had no idea. Just like when I could not type or talk I had no idea how much trouble I was into! And the mistakes I made at work is totally illogical. Took me weeks to straighten is all out.
  9. Well, My employers want to hire some help for me. I suspect that the help would actually be my replacedment. I turely don't wish to die working, so if I need to get fired, it can be arranged.
  10. Oh My Word, I Hope one can because I did yesterday, even though, I am prepared to quit work, I surely don't wish to die working
  11. OKay OKay OKay I WILL begin the SSDI application! Actually, that would take a lot of worry off my mind! Reading some of these profiles, I feel EXTREMELY lucky because I handled the 13 Chemo session very well. I felt guilty going home after the long sessions and I would go to work after the short sessions with no appearant side effects. Half way thru, about week 8 or 9, I was exhausted and stopped jogging and riding my bicycle but that's ok. Now, as far as the head radiation, I do have constant ringing in my ears, some sensations in my head, I can't call them headaches because I am not compelled to take mortin for them and I have problem at night, evidently my iris' have become lazy. OH and the hair falling out.
  12. OKay Pat I work for a small business so if I take off for and extended amount of time, they would have to replace me. However, today, I am on top of my game and feel great! And if i finnish my work, I have been leaving a bit early. Yes, during chemo, I was exhausted all the time but did okay otherwise . . . suffered no other side effects for 13 sessions besides white count dropping too low. Yeah yeah yeah $$$ is always a concern. I work for a small business so there is no retirement plan, just a 401K which I can't touch without penalty for another year, however my main concern is insurance. Under COBRA, I can extend for 18 months, but what if I last more than that!? BTW, you are the first to mention SS disability . . had no idea . . a month ago, I felt disabled because I could not speak but today I feel on top of my game. Getting in touch with someone every day is a great idea, THANK YOU! and THANK YOU for all the positive vibes and hugs. They mean so much to me! -Pupster
  13. First off, thank you for calling me puppy. I do believe you are the first one on this sight to get that. Now, as to what is in my head exactly, I don't know. The radiologist told my ride one day while I was being radiated but he won't talk with me about what she said to him so I have a follow up appointment with her on the comming Wednesday. Now as for my hair, this came as quite a suprise to me. All thru Chemo, I kept is short with a #1 Clipper comb just in case. It may have gotten a little thinner but one could not tell because of the cut. My #10 head radiation occured on a Wednesday. When I awoke Saturday morning, I saw all this short hair on my tshirt sleve and wondered where it originated because I have not had dogs in this house for 2 years. Well, on Monday morning, preparing to go to work, stood in front of the bath mirror to shave and discovered it was MY hair! A little patch left on both sides which dissappeared by Tuesday morning. What really really concerns me is all of this STUFF is happening way to quickly. First DX in May and the head DX in October . . . just leads me to believe my life is short. -Puppy
  14. See Profile Especially 10/22 on.
  15. Without Adjubant Chemotherapy 28.2% alive in 5 years With Adjuvant Chemotherapy 36.9 % alive in 5 years this was pulled from www.adjuvantonline.com 7/16/07 but stats were dated 2006 So I am to bet that I would be in the 'alive' group or the others?!?!?!?
  16. Well, when they got into my chest, they found the cancer adhered to ribs # 6 and #7 and to my chest wall. All were cut along with the lower lobe of the left lung and sent to pathology. The chest was reconstructed with gortex then lymph node samples were taken at stations 5, 6, 7, L8, L10 and L11. and sent to pathology. Pathology sent back negative responses to everything besides the cancer mass except "Station 5 lymph node (excision): Metasatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma involving one (1) of three (3) lymph nodes." Now I have been refered to both Radiation and Chemo therepy. I want to know if this ( a positive lymph node ) places my life expentcey inside the 5 year limit? Has anyone else had sucessful long lasting treatment to lymph nodes? PS: Saw Chemo Doc today, he wants me to do 16 weeks of chemo before the radiology as follows; Cisplatin days 1 and 8 \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Every 28 days-4 cycles Vinorelbine days 1,8,15,22 / Oh Boy Anyone out there have kind words toward this?
  17. snippet from surgeon's referal letter; -CUT- "We found a T2 N2 adenocarcinoma of the left lower lobe with nodes positive at station 5. At the time of surgery, grossly the tumor was adherent to the chest wass only partial chest wall resection reconruction, however, microscopically there was no evidence of cancer. I think he will need adjuvant chemo and radiation therepy" -CUT- So I described lymph node as access to the body's super highway to my general doc who replied with 'the prescribed therepy will probably give you five years' Because a lymph node was found affected with NSCLG I now have a limited life expectantcy even with chemo and radiation treatments??? Any one else have lymph node expierence ???? this has like knocked me off the emotional ladder completely . . I am now at the bottom
  18. Need to hear from anyone who has had good and lasting results from radiation and chemo therapy. Thanks, -Richard
  19. warmpup


    Just got home late yesterday after a small complication . . . evidently a byle duct was leaking fat into my chest tube . . . I still need to inject into my belly some med called octreotide for 7 days more - total hospital stay was 10 days . . . not a good place to get well . . . they also took pieces of 2 ribs and part of my chest wall . . . later found not to be cancerous . . just inflamed . . speaking of pathology . . nonsmall lung cancer - is in the lymph system so radiation and chemo are both recomeneded . . . am still leaking where they removed the chest tube yesterday . . . I appear to breathe well . . . i don't know what else to say here cept thanks for your thoughts -Richard
  20. warmpup


    There, I think i filled out my profile!
  21. warmpup


    I appreciate all the positive support - My two main concerns are 1. I am pretty much alone on this earth - have remaining one undependable neice and her two children who I don't know well . . and 2. If they take the lobe cleanly . . from what I have read . . cancer seems to always come back . . sooner or later . .
  22. warmpup


    MY is Richard - I have just been diagnosed with early stage in my left lower lung - I am sooooo freaking scared - the good thing is I live within commuting distance to Johns Hopkins - doesn't make this less scarry . .
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