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Posts posted by deewilkey

  1. Hello Terri,

    I know that Bill is with you today and always and being given a sign like that really helps to validate that fact. I hope you feel him near today especially and find time to enjoy the memories.

    My mom passed 1-14-07 and when I went to visit her grave with my dad a few months ago we got a sign. As we were pulling into the cemetery, my phone rang in my purse which was in the back of my car. I picked up and it was my sister. She asked if she could call "me" back and I said, but you called me. She said that she was with her client and her phone was across the room. So, both of our phones rang at exactly the same time and we both thought the other was calling. I tried to explain it away, but there was no explaining. When I got to the grave, I broke down and said to my mom that she really is still here and able to see me. It was quite an important sign for me because I was feeling quite hopeless. I am waiting and open to more to come.

    In the meantime lets be grateful that we are some of the few that have received such obvious signs.

    Thinking of you,


  2. Hello Stephanie,

    I am so sorry for your loss. Nothing can prepare you for the loss of a mom. I know your pain is so raw right now, but I am here for you. I live in the suburbs of Chicago and would gladly meet you if you are ever in need of talking to someone your age who understands your pain and loss. My e-mail is deewilkey@comcast.net.

    Prayers to you and your family,


  3. Hello Cheryl,

    Please accept my sincere condolences for your loss of 1 year. I understand your pain as my mom will be gone 1 year on January 14th. It is hard to wrap our minds around the fact that they have always been there and suddenly they are gone. It is hard to just have faith and not ask why why why? So, know that you are not alone in your grief and the overwhelming void you feel. I hope that you and your family find some peace in your memorial celebration of her life.

    Thinking of you,


  4. Hello all,

    Not many know me, but I do visit often and answer some posts when I feel strong. I do hope you all got through the tough holidays with lots of support and happy memories.

    I thought yesterday would be tough since my mom was sick and we didn't know what it was, but today was the day 1 year ago that she was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. She was in such bad shape and we would have never guessed lung cancer. As if her diagnoses wasn't enough, she passed away only 19 days later. It wasn't even enough time to wrap our minds around the fact that she was terminal.

    Anyway, today is so hard to face because it was the beginning of her rapid decline. She was only 66 and always so healthy, biking 20 miles/day with my dad and eating salads for 40 years. It still doesn't make sense to my mind that she won't be back. She was such a fun mom, grandma, and friend that the loss is sometimes too much.

    How do you all remain positive and keep going when all you really want to do is curl up in a ball and cry all the time?

    You all are such an inspiration to me. Thank you all in advance for you loving words and endless support to so many grieving people.



  5. I feel your pain and it is excruciating. My mom was also my best friend of all time and I still haven't even accepted that she is gone for good. I guess we all have to hold on to the hope that we will be reunited one day and that our loved ones are in a beautiful place just waiting to embrace us when we join them. It is coming up on 1 year and I also don't know how to go on year after year, but I have decided to take one day at a time and that makes the future look a little brighter. I will pray that you find peace in your heart and soul and feel your mom's presence this holiday. Please feel free to write me personally and we can support each other. My e-mail is deewilkey@comcast.net

    Thinking of you,


  6. Hello Cheryl,

    I get what you are saying, one minute things are okay and then the next you are in tears. I think this is what we have to allow our lives to be like in the face of grief. I had a similar jewerly thing happen last week. I was putting my bracelet (for my birthday from my mom 5 years ago) on that I have been wearing almost daily since my mom passed and it broke. It is a very intricately beaded bracelet with colored pearls and other beads. I couldn't beleive it and will have to see if it can even be fixed. I almost had to shut it out of my mind because it was just another painful reminder of yet another part of her gone. It is amazing how the things that are left behind for us become the most prized and cherished possessions. I would agree with another post that maybe you could try the plumber and see what they say.

    The holidays are tough and we will just have to keep reaching out for support. Please feel free to contact me at deewilkey@comcast.net We have spoken before, a few months ago.

    Thinking of you,


  7. I am still so shocked that my mom is no longer here. Last year on Halloween she came over with her kitty cat costume on and celebrated it with my two little ones. She was so fun and such a permanent (so I thought)personality in our family that the void is so huge. Only 2 1/2 months later she was gone. I used to think that life was predictable and now more than ever I will not take it for granted. I miss her smile, laugh, and endless energy so much. It is amazing how fast life can change. I guess what I am trying to say is we all have to really treasure the loved ones in our lives today because we never know what can happen. I hope she can see everything from above and isn't missing a thing.

    Thanks for listening,


  8. Know that many of us understand you all too well. My mom died only 19 days after diagnosis and also led a very healthy life. She biked 25 miles a day for 40 years with my dad and ate salads 2 times a day. She was the picture of health and that is why it is so much more difficult for me. It doesn't make sense and at times I find myself even wondering if this really happened. We were so very close and she took care of my small kids 2 days a week. I, too, have learned to see life as very temporary. I think I always believed that she would live into her 90's without a doubt, so this is a wake up call. I am also not taking life for granted anymore. Let's all hug our friends and family more and live each day as if is our last.

    My condolences to you and your family,


  9. It has been 6 1/2 months since my mom passed so quickly from NSLC and the pain and heartbreak remain. Of course my pain for myself and my family is overwhelming, but I am finding that I am grieving my mom's own loss. I know she may be in a better place, wherever that is, but I can't help but think of all the things she is missing everyday and all she will miss in her children's life and her grandchildren's life. She lived for the kids and it just seems so unlikely that she should be gone with so much more living to do. If I believed that she could watch and not miss a thing it would be almost bearable, but who knows if she can see. Life just seems so unfair and the death of a loved one, especially someone you are so bonded too seems like torture. I just want to pick up the phone and hear her voice like I did everyday. This is just so painful and the time passing makes me miss her even more.

    Thanks for listening,


  10. Hello all,

    I understand all of your pain, those who have posted. I am also feeling very lonely and lost without my sweet mom. I always had her to talk to about anything and now it is all gone. I just can't believe she won't be coming back to share our lives together. She was so involved with my kids life and we did so much with them together. Now I feel like I have nobody (who really cares)to share the joys of my kids with. I had my grandma until I was 34 and my kids have lost theirs at 3 years old and 6 years old. I don't think I will ever get over the fact that her being gone is so unfair. How do you come to terms with the loss of a vibrant, non-smoking, health finatic losing their life only 19 days after being diagnosed. Why her? Life seems so empty and hard to find joy in. I keep going because the kids, but it feels so robotic and unnatural. What seems natural to me would be crawling in a cave and never coming out. Sorry for the lack of courage and strength, but death is so final and such a terrible part of this life on earth, especially when the person taken had so much more life to live.

    Thanks for listening,


  11. Today was another first. My mom would have been 67 today if she hadn't been robbed of life from this terrible disease. It felt so empty being with the family in honor of her and not having her walking through the door with her infectious smile. She was the life of the party and the last person we would have expected to pass. It is so hard to even believe that my best friend will not be back, ever. Anyhow, I bought balloons for everyone and we all wrote a message and released them up to heaven. It was picture perfect all of the balloons heading straight up to her in all the spectacular colors. We will be doing that every year from now on. Anyway, just needed to share for a moment. Best to all of you.


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