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Everything posted by bengel

  1. Hi Mainecoon, After being diagnosed my oncologist put me on 6 series of Carboplatin and VP 16. After the first session my blood counts dropped. They gave me a Procit shot and I felt better. They reduced my amount of chemo by 10% to regulate my counts. Everything went as planned during the next 5 sessions. I continued to teach except on the 3 days I had chemo (Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday) and the next 3 days when I felt weak. I would try to make it to church on Sunday so I could sing in the choir. I would then go back to school for the next 20 days until my next session. One thing I learned through my experiences is to not interpret or internalize anything the docs or nurses might say. Everyone that worked with me was excellent. My answer to everything was either yes or no. There is to be no second guessing. I guess because I am a drafting teacher there are no multiple choice answers. Either the measurement is right or its wrong. If its wrong then change it and make it right. Glad to hear the good news. Bengel
  2. When I went in for my right lobectomy I told my thorasic surgeon that I wanted to see the parts after he was finished. You know, like when you get your car repaired and the mechanic gives you back the worn out parts. I also wanted to make sure he took out what he said he was going to take out. When he visited me in the hospital room he was laughing and said he could not give me my middle lobe back but he did take a picture and give it to me for my scrapbook. I have other funny stories about doctor visits but they will have to wait for another time. Bengel
  3. I have children your age. I would not keep you from the most wonderful day of your life. During chemo I continued to work, announce home high school football games and participate in as many activities as I could. My oncologist was very helpful in keeping me going by checking my blood counts. I wish the best for you because the other option is he might not be around to be at your wedding next year.
  4. Two years ago today at 2 am my wife drove me to the ER thinking I might be having a heart attack. It was our 35th anniversary. Tonight is our 37th. After getting the OK from the ER Doctor (a former high school student of mine) he sent me home and said my primary care doctor will call me. Three days later he called and said there was a spot on my lung. He was surprised because I had been under his care for over 20 years. He ordered a broncoscopy with a pulminary doctor and from there the journey began. I was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer carcinoma, Stage IA. I knew I needed a theme verse because of what happened to Job, so Romans 5:3-5 became my goal, "... but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perserverance, perserverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not dissapoint us, because God poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." After 6 rounds of chemo, 35 days of lung radiation, right middle lobe lobectomy, and 15 days of brain radiation I show no signs of cancer. Excellent doctors, medical personnel and support from family and friends have allowed me to write this today.
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