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Posts posted by christymike

  1. Peg

    Im so sorry for you loss. You were the first person i talked to when i joined this site and you and your husband were always on my mind and in my prayers. My heart is breaking. If there is anything i can do let me know i am always here to talk.

    God Bless you and your family.


  2. I was just wondering if anyone new of any remedies to relieve the itch or dryness/burn caused by the iressa? My dad was prescribed a pill called Dioxycylin?? somethin like that.. Anyways has anyone heard of it...Im a little concerned that a medication will counter act badly with the iressa?


  3. LOL. Maybe I should write on the signature that Gallagher isnt my dad and my dad is on the end. =) It was his birthday. I has lot of meaning to be there that day and meet him.. Im so glad for all of your replies.. Its great have support!


  4. I know I havent posted in a while but just wanted to give everyone and update on my dad. He had his CT scan on monday and met with his doctor today and he stated that the tumor had some shrinkage! Halliluah... This is the best and most positive news we have had through this whole process.. I was dreading what i would feel today but it turned out to be so positive! I think the doctor might be slightly amazed since I pushed for my dad to be on it and he didnt know if it would work. Thank GOD.! I have hope now having hope is a great feeling. We are closer to a cure for all of us everyday i think just a matter of time. Bless you all


  5. Peg thanks for the update I have been wondering how Bill was doing. I am pleased to hear that there is some shrinkage on the tumor. That is good news. Keep fighting and beleiving! Stay strong and Happy Holidays.


  6. THanks for the replies guys. And thank you greg for the article on COPD that is exactly what the doctor said he has. If its not one thing its another. When do things get better i wonder? Im thankful that he will not be on chemo over thanksgiving and christmas this year. Last year he missed turkey day and practially lived in his bed until the end of december last year. So i guess we will see what the new year brings us this year. Hopefully positive changes and happy times. Bless you all


  7. Hello all.. First i want to thank Rick for posting my picture. This is a picture of me and my dad on his birthday Nov 4th. My dad is on the end and comedian Gallager is in the middle of us. I took him to see Gallagher for his birthday because i remember when i was little watching it with him. And we were lucky enough to meet him and take a picture. I think that birthday should be memorable for him. His doctor said he thinks the Iressa is working he has been breaking out and some other effects and now has a cold we are praying its not pnenomia. The doctor also said he had Cronic lung disese? Any one heard of it? Well Bless you all and finally you guys can see who me and my dad are.


  8. Can anyone help me? I dont understand how i can add a picture of me and my dad. I dont know what it means by pixels? Any help would be great. Also on a side note we find out tommorrow from my dads doctor if the iressa is working or not. I will post tommorrow pray for us. Bless you all


  9. Any updates on his condition? I am praying for him also! I know how hard it must be for you .. when my dad was on the ventalatior I couldnt handle it.. they doctors also didnt know if he would come off of it okay and he did. Stay positive and miracles do happen. God Bless


  10. A second opinion does sound like a good idea. And with the statistics don.t listen the doctors arent in her body and they cant possibly tell time. I know I am on here sometimes crying about the doctors telling my my dad only has 6 months or so but you really cant believe it. And with the wonderful support from eveyone on this site just makes you stronger. Keep the faith and dont ever lose hope

    God Bless


  11. My dad had a collapsed lung and was in the hospital for 2 weeks or so an was in ICU it was also caused by the chemo and radiation. They had re-expanded the lung but it is not expanded to its full potential and he uses oxygen all the time now. They had some respiratory exersizes that really help expand it more. So even though it is scary it just takes time. God Bless you.


  12. My dad had very aggressive treatment 5 weeks radiation and 3 months of chemo.. he is a stage III inoperable also. Is it a concern to you that the fluid around your moms heart could be caused by diabetes or the cancer? My dad also had the fluid around his heart and they had to do an emergency surgery on the spot and drain 500 ccs of fluid. Im concerned that comes on with the diabetes my dad only develops diabetes under chemo and treatments. Anyhow my point is my dad did really agressive and it gave him a year cuz the cancer is growing again and he is now trying Iressa. So if you want more i would definatly get a second opinion.. I still wish my dad had.


  13. There is concern that the fluid around his heart was caused by the cancer, they sent it to the lab and they couldnt find any cancer cells but the doctor wont rule it out yet and said that it may be hiding somewhere. Its amazing because if he didnt have his bronch scheduled for that day they would of never found the fluid on his heart and he wouldnt of made it the next day and none of us would of known what happened. One thing I dont like is the doctor saying well its not curable and we dont have anything for you but we cant try to prolong your life.. it makes me sick to hear that even though it might be the truth but i dont want to believe it. Today he says he is feeling better but some pain and compression in his chest. Im still praying for the iressa but the odds are pretty low. Everything is so hectic lately my grandpa is in the hospital and my grandma had to go yesterday.. i wonder when this will all end and things will get better. Pray for my family if you can it would mean alot. God Bless you all


  14. I cant even begin to explain what i have been going through lately. Ive tried to stay so positive up until now and it seems that being positive isnt working for me and im slipping in to depression and anger. As you can see from my subject my dad had another broncy on tuesday of last week and found the tumor was active again and growing. Not only that but there was soo much fluid around his heart that they had to do emergency surgery and he was in ICU for 3 days. He got out of the hospital yesterday and the Doctor put him on Iressa (what we have been begging for since day one) any ways the doctor seems to have no hope in the iressa and told my dad that he thinks he had 6 months. I dont understand why chemo is not an option again? And will the iressa work i havent heard any successes. I keep hoping that my dad is different and he will beat this and his cancer is different...but,,i guess you have to have some hope sometimes, but in all reality i dont know what to believe anymore. God Bless you all.

  15. Plain and simple...We still need you... We have all been here for each other since the begining of our troubles.. its sad to not hear from any of you anymore.! I worry that when people lose a loved one that means they will leave to and not be here anymore to help me..or us.. We are in this together still right?


  16. Well I'm back.. I hope no one has forgotten about me.. I had a slight slump of depression after seeing all the passings of people on here that i prayed so hard for. I started to feel hopeless and sad.. I think im bouncing back but some moments im not so sure. Anyways my dad stated taking vitamins A and C because stupid me sent him a link about herbal remedies .. So anythow he was talking these vitamins and started coughing up blood in his mucus. He quit taking them and insists that it was from that but didnt confer with a doctor and that is also because his doctor is hopeless anyways. So I was wondering what that means? Could it be the medicine or a decongestant or is the cancer spreading. God Bless you all


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