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Posts posted by Tami

  1. Has anyone else out there had "irisology." I'm sure that's not what it's called (left my paperwork at home) but essentually you have your eyes/iris examined as they indicated health problems/issues within your body. Definiciencies, problem areas etc. I had a preliminary exam done. The doctor looked in my right eye and said your having some shoulder and back pain right now (which I am having). She also told me I was a "non secreter" (whatever that means), my immune systems was battling itself and out of whack and that I had scar tissue issues. I've had 3 chest surgeries, 12 abdominal surgeries and a couple of other surgeries in my life so I'm sure I have a bunch of scar tissue. It was pretty interesting as she knew nothing about me, not even my name. I was in a random group, we just stood in line and took a turn. She seemed pretty good and it was interesting. If I choose to pursue it she has classes and/or personal attention. She also has a lymphatic machine that she can use on you to help drain your system (has anyone else tried this?) She will also custom design a health system--diet, exercise, suppliments--to help you with your individual needs. It may be hoax or a gimick but I do believe in all that natural stuff-so I think I may go to a regular class and see what she has to say. I really want to build up my immune system so that I can be strong to fight this stuff if I ever have a reoccurance. Plus I'd really like to feel better/more healthy-I guess.

  2. Tammy- I had the chemo/radiation combo for 12 weeks. I also had the swallowing problem it felt like a had this huge lump in there and I just couldn't swallow-kept gaging. I had that magic numbing medicine--didn't work real well but I used it. I just would try a bite of this or that for a week or so to see what worked for me-and if it felt good I ate it. For the 1st and only time (so far) I ate anything and everything I wanted. For a week all I could tolerate were popcycles so that's all I ate. All day long-boxes of them. Rootbeer (my favorite), fruit ones etc. They tasted good and I could handle them. Then I moved on to chicken noodle soup and that's all I ate (only one kind tasted good though) for days. Then it was scrambled eggs (every meal for days-can't even look at them now!) I guess what I'm saying is keep trying... If your mom is older she will no doubt hate wasting food-but even if she eats one bite it's worth it. eventually she'll find something that will work and if it works stick with it. I know variety is good but I was afraid to not eat. Like once I got in that cycle I would go downhill or something. I was determined to find something-that I could handle. I'd stay away from the thick stuff-I felt like I was strangling trying to get it down. I'd keep offering her the boost or ensure. Try cold, warm, make it thinner etc. Just keep encouraging her and let her know once the radiation is over that feeling will go away-she's just got to keep up her strength till then.

  3. Hi- I thought I'd chime in too. I had a pneumonectomy (left lung) in April of 02. It's painful but your husband will do just fine. I was 38 when I had mine. The first day was rough but I slept through most of it. You probably won't have the drainage tubes (yucky!) I had them when I had surgery on my lung but then when I had the pneumonectomy I didn't need one (no lung in there left to drain) The day after surgery I walked around the intensive care unit and by day 5 I drove myself home from the hospital. 5 days after that I was working again full time. I pushed myself to do the breathing and arm exercises and I walked everywhere even though it hurt. Your husband is young and strong he can do it too. The one thing I would recommend... I had my pneumonectomy at Fox Chase Cancer center the other two chest surgeries were at a smaller hospital and Fox Chase had this air mattress on my bed. The difference was incredible. It wasn't real thick-it laid overtop my regular mattress but it made such a difference. I didn't have nearly as much pain when I tried to sleep etc. None of those pressure points on tender incisions. I even bought one to use when I got home. I would HIGHLY recommend it! I did have chemo/radiation as well. It was awful but I just focused on it killing those cells and when I had the surgery I think I felt good because I was so happy! It got rid of that d**n tumor and I was going to be okay.... It's a tough haul but I'm betting he does just fine?? :wink:

  4. I've been asking questions many of you questions about this pain I've had over the left breast. I had a pneumonectomy a year ago in April and on the x-ray it showed a displaced broken rib. I didn't bother me too much for a while but in the last few weeks it's been hurting me. Pinching, almost like a bite from the inside. I've been to my PCP and she feels the breast, arm pit etc. and say's the pain is from the rib--it hurts to push on it. and the rib area is quite prominent. Anyway I've been panicked about mets or a new tumor etc. But the doctors tell me it's just rib pain.. but why now etc. Well last night it was irrating me, again. (It never bothers me when I sleep) and my arm was too. So before bed I took this huge Ace bandage and wrapped it around the upper chest, under the arm pit area. And for the first time I have no pain. It feels much better.... This makes me feel better because now I really do believe it is just the ribs grinding around causing pain BUT I know I can't stay wrapped up. My docs told me or I read it somewhere that it's not good to be wrapped/taped because of the risk of pneumonia? and with one lung that would not be good... does anyone have any suggestions?

  5. I have also been asking many questions lately too. You don't say how long ago you had your lung removed-mine has been about 1 year. I think the left lung is kinda special or so they tell me-as your heart normally rests in between the two lobes of the left lung. Now it kinda just flops around in there. Which could be one of the reasons your noticing it. Mine has now come to rest just over the left breast (where it seems I fractured a rib a few months ago) and it beats so hard I can see it under the skin. At times my heart feels like it is racing-a creepy feeling at best. I also have lots of tenderness in that area (the rib below the broken one is the one they particially removed to get my lung out). As far as stomach stuff goes. My stomach and intestines also moved up-glorious isn't it. My intestines rumble and growl it sounds like I haven't eatten for years. My PCP also told me that having the intestines so high up in the chest can cause chest pain. So that may also influence how you are feeling. I also get the burping (etc :oops: ) problems you mentioned. If I roll over on my left side when I first go to bed at night I could win "the loudest burp contest" hands down. Also hot weather is a killer for me too. I think I have some lymphedema in my left arm and the heat/humidity kills me. It makes it more difficult to breathe and things in there just seem to ache (i'm hoping that's what I'm noticing more of lately) The cold air is also difficult-it kind of takes my breath away. I also get the winded/cramps feeling when I walk but I continue-hopefully it will go away. I talked with David on the message Boards and he shared his fun facts too :D You can find my post farther down. It sure does make you feel better to know what others go through. I've been getting really scared over the pain of this break. It really didn't bother me for a few months. Now it's driving me crazy off and on (more on than off) It's like why now? What did I do? Is it a met? Your mind just spins. I think this one lung business is kinda hard on the body and I think it takes some time for the brain to remember their is no lung there-so it needs to reroute things. But anytime you want to talk, let me know.

  6. I went through 12 weeks of radiation/chemo and I also had the stuck in the throat feeling. It felt like a ball of bread dough was stuck in the back of my throat. For almost two weeks all that I ate were popcicles. Mine continued for a couple of weeks after my radiation was over. But it's funny how quickly I went back to eating! I STILL after over 1 year have problems swallowing. Not very often but every once in a while things get stuck in there or I choke/gag on things a little easier but that lump feeling is gone. As far as the feeling in the breast bone--I'd tell her not to worry. Radiation is powerful and I felt funny/lumpy the whole way down. I also developed heartburn for the first time in my life. I think it swells everything in there.

    Hang in there! It gets better.

  7. Thanks you for the information. I've also had three surgeries all during the course of 1 year with the last one removing my left lung. I had a huge section of my one rib removed in order for them to get the lung out--my surgery was in April of 02. This past April I had a chest x-ray and they found that I had broken another rib. :( I looks rather grisly on the x-ray as the one rib bone sticks way up--the two don't meet at all. They told me that eventually scar tissue would cover them. They think I broke the rib shoveling snow (lots of snow in PA this past year) they also were concerned that I didn't have much time to heal. I drove myself home from the hospital after the pneumonectomy and was back to work full time in a week. I lift things and carry things probably too much. My surgeon told me that rib fractures are pretty common especially after 3 chest surgeries. I think the left lung is supposed to hold the heart in place-my PCP told me that now that mine is gone my heart is just kind of flopping around in there--yuck! I guess I'm just concerned because I've been having this pain. It wasn't bad before but the last few weeks that broken rib area really seem to be stabbing me. It almost feels like a biting or scratching from the inside. Is that what yours felt like. When I roll my shoulders backward I can feel them clicking and grinding. It's a scary feeling. It's comforting to hear that others have had the same experiences and that some of these things are normal given everything our bodies have been through.

  8. I had a pneumonectomy (left side) in 02. Aside from the pain that I've asked about before just above the left breast i have another question. For those of you who have had similar surgery do any of you have "indentations or prominant ribs" I have a dip inbetween a couple of my upper ribs and my PCP said that is from them taking the muscles etc. out when I lost my lung. My tumor was almost like a concrete ball (according to my surgeon) and it was "cemented to my lung and heart due to the radiation (I had no tumor in my lung). My heart has also dropped down a little and it is very near the surface and I can feel my heart beat, which at times is rather creepy. On my last x-ray they said my right lung has enlarged and my intestines have moved way up under my rib cage I guess to try to fill that empty spot left by my lung. Has anyone else had anything like this? I wish they would give you a sheet of paper when you have surgery like this that would say "Here's all the nifty things that's gonna happen to your body when we do this".

    Thanks everyone....

  9. This may sound like an unusual question but does anyone here suffer any type of lymphadema (sp?) I know this is more common in breast cancer but I'm wondering if anyone here has suffered any form of it. I've had 3 chest surgeries and each time they removed many, many lymph nodes from my chest and under my arm. They just kept testing everything. I also had 12 weeks of radiation to my chest and I keep having the feeling that the left breast, arm pit, arm swells sometimes. Especially lately with the humid weather we've been having in Pennsylvania. Am I crazy? My family dctor says she doesn't notice any visual difference and she has check the breast and armpit for lumps but there's nothing. But I'm still wondering if there could be swelling. Does anyone else here notice this?

  10. I posted below about post thoracic pain. My primary care doc had put me on Wellbutrin for depression about a 2 weeks ago. It did not agree with me at all. I was filled with anxiety (scared to be alone, panicked that the cancer returned) a week into it I developed terrible insominia, sweating, vomiting, I lost 8 lbs etc. (same things I had when cancer was first found) All that plus focused on the terrible pain over my left breast. Finally saw my doctor on tuesday evening. She said the side effects were from my wellbutrin not a cancer reoccurance. So she took me off the medicine. I asked her once again to feel the spot above my breast on my rib that hurt so much. I also brought along my 4 month old x-rays that showed my broken ribs. The doctor who ordered the x-rays before my ob-gyn surgery in March told me the ribs were broken in the back but when my doc looked at them the other night she said they were broken in the FRONT! one of the ribs had a portion removed that was from my pneumonectomy the one just above it was broken at an angle and pushing up into everything and irrating things. She said it appears as though my heart had dropped a little and it was right over the break too. It's really close to the surface now and I can always feel it beating. Anyone else have this happen? I still don't know why my rib hurts so much now.... it's been broken for several months. Why now? Just because I've been moving and working so much? Do you ever stop being so afraid? I mean I have a great diagnosis... A mucoepidermoid tumor-- Even my primary care doctor told me to relax the other night... she reminded me that Dr. Goldberg (my surgeon at Fox Chase) assured all of us that it will never come back. So why can't I let go and enjoy?

  11. hi-I'd like to get some more information on post thoracic pain. I have a pneumonectomy on 4/02 removed left lung. I was back to work full time within 10 days of my surgery. I'm a single mom of 3 and have done all the snow shoveling, mowing and moving of furniture etc. I had pain but I "got over it" My cancer has been a strange and scary expereince. Originally diagnosised with Adeno but it was confined to one lymph node on the bronchical tube. Due to location had thoracic surgery to get biopsy, no firm diagnosis but thought to be malignant adeno so had chemo, then had another thoracic surgery to remove tumor was told it was inoperable so they sent me for additional chemo/rads. After all that including about a million ct scans, pet scans etc. I was finally allowed to go to Fox Chase. Had surgery there in 4/02 that surgeon was able to remove my "inoperable tumor" but I had to lose my left lung because of the radiation damage. Entire tumor was removed nothing found in lung, or anywhere else. I was told I had a mucoepidermoid tumor not adneo. Very low malignancy-could be considered benign and it was not lung cancer just a tumor. Great news!! The surgeon there recommended a ct scan at 6 months, an x-ray at 1 yr and then x-rays every 2 years. He told me they don't normally ever come back. This is the head of thoracic surgery at a major cancer center--I want to believe him. I had my chest x-rays this past April and they showed a broken rib. My surgeon at fox chase told me this can happen as my ribs were strtched and broken 3 times in the course of a year. So they are fragile and I do carry heavy things and work very hard. but the area still hurts. Sometimes in my shoulder right now it's just at the top of the left breast. I can feel my heart beat very stong in that area and the last time my family doctor looked at the area she said that the muscle etc has been removed from that area and the heart is kinda just hanging in there-so not much to hold things together. I'm in the process of moving so my kids (16, 11, 10) and I are carrying things and moving furniture but I'm terrified I have bone mets or a new tumor or something. I keep pushing on the area trying to find a lump or something and now my skin is so sore to the touch. Does anyone else have lingering pain or pain when you work that area a lot? I'd really appreciate any ones experience with lingering pain.

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