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Posts posted by CLB

  1. Barb!!! That is SO beautiful!!!! Hawaii has always been on my wish list of places to go. Seeing this picture moves it right up to number one on the list!!!! That water is so blue and beautiful!!!

    Hope you had a terrific time!!!!! :lol::P

  2. Congratulations!!!! I, too, just finished up my first year taking Tarceva in March.

    So far, so good. There has been some improvement and a lot of "stable" -- guess we can't ask for much more than that, right?

    Thanks for all you are doing!!

  3. Well, the only think I knew I was allergic to for awhile is Tide laundry detergent. Yeah, it is supposed to be one of the most mild of detergents, but my wacky skin breaks in a rash when we wash any clothes in it.

    I found out shortly after DX that I am also allergic to Dilaten - just gives me a itchy rash, but still had to switch to a different anti-seizure med.

  4. Raney - I have the same spot in the back of my head too!!! JB was calling it the "hitler patch" because for awhile it was about the only hair I had and he said that if we drew eyes & a nose above it, my head would like Hitler's face... :roll:

  5. Sadly, I don't have as many hobbies as I would like to have. Don't know why, I just never seem to find something that I like. I want to golf, but don't think I will be too good at it. I bought a ton of stuff for scrapbooking and I like it, it just doesn't hold my attention for too long.

    I like to read - but I always feel guilty sitting down to read when there are things to be done around the house.

    So essentially, I am a loser with no hobbies :lol::lol:

  6. My hair is slowly growing back (except what we call the skunk stripe down the center of my head due to whole brain radiation), but so far it is looking like a similar color to what I had, but definitely coarser than before. I do see some hair coming in on the "skunk stripe," and I hope it catches up with the rest soon - or I am going to even more strange than I normally do!

    Oh and Janet - my eyelashes have come back insanely long as well!!!!!!!! They are constantly getting into my eyes and hit my glasses when I am weating them. So many people tell me that I should get them trimmed or something, but I think it would be neat to see how long they get - maybe I could break a record or something :lol::lol::lol:

  7. Oh wow! I am so glad to have found this board....I have been out of work since 10/06 when I was diagnosed and some days I just want to go back and feel like normal. I too applied for and was approved for SSD. But, I guess this is my normal now. Some days I just feel trapped here at home, but the best part of it is that I am able to have more time with my 3yr old son, and have some time to just reflect on stuff in my life. And someone else mentioned here, the amount of days/time that would be needed for appointments, scans, treatments, etc. would probably be more days than work would be able to justify keeping me full time.

    I like to think of getting better as my job right now. Hopefully we'll be able to get that done for all of us and get back into the game...a little stronger for our experiences now.

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