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Posts posted by AllieTaylor23

  1. hey, so it went okay, mum has to have a PET scan done,to see wether the cancer has spread at all, and a kidney test to see if her kidneys can handle the chemo they want to give her, aswell they also want her to have radiotherapy.

    it will be 4 cycles of chemo at 21 day intervals,she would have to stay over night for that and 3 cycles of radio, each cycle would be 5 days long and they will do all 3 at once with the weekends as a break.

    we have to wait for the reults of the pet scan to know how advanced and how long she could have left.

    but she has agreed to have the treatment.

    it wasnt as bad as i thought it would be, he was a very nice man,good bedside manner.

  2. Hey thank you for the warm welcome, iam glad i can come here and talk to all of you that have been or going through this, it really helps to talk to people who know how iam feeling, none of my friends have been much use with me, they dont really know how to handle this.

    i will keep you informed with what happens along the way.

    iam really nervous about the first oncologist app tommorow, but iam sure it will be fine.

    Speak to you Tommorow

    Take care



  3. Hey all, ive just found you guys and iam so glad i have,becasue ive been feeling so alone.

    My mum was diagnosed with SCLC on the 12/2/08 after having a chest x-ray, bronchoscopy and CT scan all within 2 weeks before the diagnosis.

    altough it was in the back of all of our minds, as my grandad/my mums dad died of lung cancer aged 68, which was about 20 years ago, as i was about 4,and am now nearly 24. and she is a heavy smoker for the last 45 years since she was 15, we all knew it could be a possibility, but after being reassured it was prob just phneumonia by the respitory consulatant after the chest x-ray,we all though no more of it, untill the worst happened.

    i was with my mum when we got the news and all i wanted to do was be sick, but i couldnt stop myself from crying, and that was all i did the rest of that day, but since then i havent cried at all, which worries me as iam a very emotional girl.

    i reakon it just hasnt sunk in and it will hit me prob once weve seen the oncologist on tuesday and know wether she can have the treatment they want to do or not!

    iam so scared though that he will tell us her lungs cant cope with it and so they cant do it, and that we wont have much time left.

    iam nowhere near ready to lose my mum yet.

    i want her to see me have a baby,get married yet,i still need her for so much.

    i just feel so angry and so numb, but also really emotional, i just want to have a goo cry and let out all that iam feeling but i just cant.

    iam so worried about whats to come and if i can cope with looking after her and everything, i dont want to let her down at all.

    i hope to get to know people who have been through this or are going through it and we can try to help eachother through this terrible time.

    take care



  4. Hey all, iam Allie, iam 23, and from the united kingdom, near London.

    my Mum was diagnosed with Small Cell Lung Cancer on the 12th febuary 2008, so its all still sinking in for me and my family.

    it started really in january, me and mum both had really nasty colds(mine turned out to be bronchitus) but i went to the doctors. it took mum another few weeks to go, that was only because she started to cough up blood and i insisted she go, well her GP sent her for a chest xray then she went and got the results and it had shown a shadow on her left lung, so we had to go see a thorasic/respiritory consultant a week later, he said it was just pnumonia but wanted her to have a bronchoscopy done as a precaution as she is a smoker, anyway the biopsy came back showing up cancer so she had to have a ct scan done, then we saw him on the 12th and he told us it was SCLC in the limited stage as far as they could tell, but that is was inoperable, and he had talked to the oncologist,and if my mums lungs are up to it they want to do chemoradiation on her, we go and see him on tuesday to see if her lungs are okay after the lung function test last tuesday, and if she can have treatment or not,and to talk about everything.

    we all want to know how much time she has left with or without treatment, but iam also scared to hear it aswell, cause i dont know what ill do if they say there is nothing they can do and it will be a matter of months or something.

    i never thought in my wildest dreams that id have to be tackling this at 23 years old.

    iam so scared about loosing my mum, i still need her so much.

    iam trying so had to be strong for her, all i feel is both angry and numb all the time. is this normal, i thought id be crying all the time, but i havent cried since we got the news, i dont know wether thats cause it hasnt really sunk in for me yet, cause iam a very emotional person and i cry really easily, where something this big and ive hardly cried when i thought id be a mess!!!



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