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Ellen in PA

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Posts posted by Ellen in PA

  1. Hi folks. I've been lurking for about a week and figure it's time to declare myself. I started getting short of breath when walking my dog back in July '07. Went to cardiologist, who sent me for stress test -- I passed with no problem. Fast forward to Thanksgiving night, '07 -- I'm walking my dog and am winded (as usual) but there was no stoop to sit on (which I'd gotten in the habit of doing) and so keep going -- and passed out. Wake up on the sidewalk with a gash in my forehead and some nice stranger drives me and the doggie home. Husband insists on Emergency Room (my face was covered with blood) so we call 911 and get taken to Jefferson Hosp., a (supposedly) excellent Philadelphia hospital. They insist on admitting me to find out why I passed out and keep me for 3 days doing all kinds of tests and discharge me with a dx of 'pulmonary hypertension' and tell me to see my cardiologist. I make an appt with a new cardiologist for December 26. Pass out a week later in the street but no wounds this time. Show up for cardiologist appt and tell her the story. She sends me for an immediate chest CT-scan. While I'm getting dressed after the scan, the radiologist calls her and tells her I've got pulmonary embolisms and tons of clots and probably lung cancer. She tells him to have me wheeled to Admissions. (Her office is in HUP, another top Philadelphia hospital.) I stay there for 2.5 weeks while they confirm the dx. I'm told to expect to live about 8 months and advised to go home and 'get [my] affairs in order'. And, except for the two fainting episodes, I have NO symptoms -- no pain, no cough, clear chest.

    Well, it's now March and I'm on Lovenox for the clots (was on Hepparin in the hospital) and feel absolutely fine. The oncologist has suggested several chemo regimens and the one she thinks I'd do best with is Carboplatin (or maybe Cisplatin?) and Alimta. But I'm real reluctant to make myself feel lousy in the short time I have left feeling good.

    Suggestions/advice gratefully accepted. TIA.


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