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Posts posted by Bette64

  1. Hi Cindy,

    I'm happy to hear someone else has been able to go to yearly scans. It will be a relief to do that. Like you, the two weeks prior to the scan was very anxious for me. I just wanted to make sure my oncologist wasn't too 'secure' in my prognosis lol. It's scary to be turned loose for a year.

    Congrats on your good reports.

    Best wishes,


  2. For those of you in Stage 1 or 1B and still in remission, how often does your oncologist schedule your CTscans or PETscans after you reach the THREE year mark?

    I was diagnosed in May 2006, nsclc, Stage 1b. The tumor had invaded the visceral pleural lining of my lungs. I had CTscans every 3 months until the 2 yr mark. Yesterday I had my first 6 month Scan. I will have another one in July which will be past the 3 yr mark. Provided these scans are ok, my oncologist said he would schedule yearly scans after that.

    While I'm praying my CTscan yesterday was fine and I'm elated to be able to go a year if the next scan is ok, it's a little scary to go a whole year without a checkup. For those of you who are still in Stage 1 or 1b and in remission after 3 years, how often does your oncologist recommend scans?

    Thanks for any information.


  3. Hi Everyone,

    I need to post an update on my MRI regarding my back and right hip pain. The MRI showed NO tumors .. praise the Lord, but I do have mild arthritis in lower part of the spine and also a benign cyst. My doctor does not believe the cyst is causing the pain and that it is the arthritis. However I am scheduled to see an orthopedic surgeon on the 22nd of this month for his opinion. The steroids and pain meds have helped alot and I am now able to get around without my cane. The pain is still there and I'm trying to be very careful and not make any sudden moves or bend over, lift anything, etc.

    My regular CTscan for lung cancer is on Jan. 19 and I'll see my oncologist then. I'll take copies of my bone scans and MRI but I'm sure he'll agree that it is nothing to worry about but 'old age'....don't we all wish we only had to worry about the symptoms of aging.

    Pray that my CTscan will be NED. This is a 6 month checkup so I'm anxious to get it over with. I'll post with an update when I get the results.

    Thanks for all your replies and prayers.


  4. Hi Saundra, I hope to get the results from the MRI next week. With the upcoming new year holidays, it might be later. I feel like we can't be too careful when we have a new pain or symptom arise. I pray this is a pulled muscle but the fact I've it it over 6 weeks w/o improvement worries me.

    Hope you have a Happy New Year 2009.


  5. Did any of you experience low back pain before your lung cancer diagnosis, and if so, did your doctors think it was from the cancer? Or if you had a reoccurence, was back pain a symptom? I'm not talking about pain in the upper part of our back but the lower part.

    I have been having back pain for 6 weeks. My PCP did a back xray and bone scan and everything was ok. But the pain in my lower back and right hip area is almost unbearable. After a visit to a local ER this past Sunday with severe lower back pain, having to use a walker to walk, I was put on steroids and am scheduled for an MRI this Saturday.

    The doctors are thinking spinal stenosis or a disc causing pressure on a nerve in the spine area. They said the MRI would detect any soft tissue or tumors that might be pressing on the spine and invisable to bone scans and xrays.

    I'm hoping this is just another sign of growing older and doesn't mean my lung cancer has come back and spread to the lower part of my body. Any info would be appreciated.


  6. CNN.Com has an 'IReport' section on their website. People who have joined the IReport can post a photo and report a story. Well yesterday I noticed you could send a message to President-Elect Obama. So I posted about having lung cancer, asking for his support and help in fighting this deadly disease. I used the photo that I had sent to LCA for the 'I Am The Face Of Lung Cancer' that I will try to get in local newspapers. CNN also told me that if there were enough interest in a topic, they might bring it on their show or interview me - so let our voices be heard :)

    Here's my "IReport" Story:


    It is on the right side of the home page.

    Bette from Texas

  7. I have some good news to share with all of you. Today I can officially

    report that my CTscan of chest and brain I had on done on July 21 was

    good. I do not go back to my oncologist for 6 months which is a nice

    break from the previous 3 months intervals. The mammogram requested by my oncologist was done today. They also did an ultrasound and the radiologist came in and said everything was fine - just some scar tissue from previous biopsies.

    So today I'm shouting YAHOOOO!!! Thanks to all for your support and prayers.


    Two Years, Two Months Lung Cancer Remission and counting

    Stage 1B Non-small cell lung cancer adenocarcinoma (2006)

    MG 1995 - Stable

    Lupus 1992 - Stable

  8. I had the CTscan of my chest and brain yesterday. The official report read by the radiologist should be in by Thursday and they'll mail me a copy. But my oncologists always looks at the CTscan and he said it looked fine to him .. he's hasn't been wrong in the past 2 years since my dx YAHOOOO! :D

    He wants me to have an eye exam for my vision problems - it's been three years. He believes my mild headaches are due to the TMJ problems I have plus the fact that I sleep on several pillows at night. This helps me to breathe better with the asthma but he said it also puts the neck muscles in a position to cause one to wake up with the top of their head hurting. He suggested using a cervical pillow or sleeping on only one pillow.

    Having said that, I can't celebrate or do the happy dance yet. He found a nodule in the right breast. I'm to have a mammogram next Wednesday, July 30. I've had previous breast surgery/biopsies and he said it could be just scar tissue but he wants the mammogram done to be able to give me a clean bill of health. If all is well, I won't have to return to my oncologist for 6 months for another CTscan.

    So I'm asking for your good thoughts and prayers that this test will be ok too.

    Trying to stay cool in east Texas - was 104 yesterday :(


  9. THE STATION by Robert J. Hastings

    Tucked away in our subconscious is an idyllic vision. We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the continent. We are traveling by train. Out the windows we drink in the passing scene of cars on nearby highways, of children waving at a crossing, of cattle grazing on a distant hillside, of smoke pouring from a power plant, of row upon row of corn and wheat, of flatlands and valleys, of mountains and rolling hillsides, of city skylines and village halls.

    But uppermost in our minds is the final destination. On a certain day at a certain hour we will pull into the station. Bands will be playing and flags waving. Once we get there so many wonderful dreams will come true and the pieces of our lives will fit together like a completed jigsaw puzzle. How restlessly we pace the aisles, cursing, the minutes for loitering – waiting, waiting, waiting for the station.

    When we reach the station that will be it! We cry. “When I’m 18.” “When I buy a new 450 SL Mercedes Benz!” “When I put the last kid through college.” “When I have paid off the mortgage!” “When I get a promotion.” “When I reach of the age of retirement, I shall live happily ever after!”

    Sooner or later we must realize there is no station, no one place to arrive at once and for all. The true joy of life is the trip. The station is only a dream. It constantly outdistances us.

    “Relish the moment” is a good motto, especially when coupled with Psalm 118:24: “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” It isn’t the burdens of today that drive men mad. It is the regrets over yesterday and the fear of tomorrow. Regret and fear are twin thieves who rob us of today.

    So stop pacing the aisles and counting the miles. Instead, climb more mountains, eat more ice cream, go barefoot more often, swim more rivers, watch more sunsets, laugh more, cry less. Life must be lived as we go along. The station will come soon enough.

  10. Thanks Dave and Kasey for your replies. Dave, I truly believe my headaches are nothing to worry about. Reading about you having them has helped the anxiety some.

    Kasey, my pulmonary doctor once told me I put the cart before the horse LOL. This was when they had just discovered the spot on my lungs via a chest xray and I was talking about a CTscan/PETscan, finding a good thoracic surgeon, etc ...etc.

    I do plan on getting my mind on other things this weekend. We're having company over tonight for dominoes and fun. I have a brisket bar-b-quing (Texas style :) along with potato salad, baked beans, and french bread. Now top that off with strawberry shortcake, lots of cool whip and I won't have a worry in the world .. I'll be too full to think about my CTscan.

    Have a great weekend,


  11. Monday I'm scheduled for a CTscan of the chest, abdomen, and brain. I'm a little worried .. ok I'm a lot worried :wink: about this one since I've been having headaches and vision changes. If this scan is ok, my doctor says I won't have to come back for another one for 6 months. I've been having checkups/scans every 3 months since August 2006 so I'm excited about the 6 month interval.

    Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers that everything is ok. My oncologist will look at the scan on Monday but I won't have the official report from the radiologist until about Friday. I'll let you know when I do.

    Take care,


  12. Mine was discovered by a routine chest xray ordered by a neurologist. I have myasthenia gravis, a neuro-muscular disease which is treated by a neurologist. The irony of it is my MG was stable and my husband and I hated to drive the 123 miles to Dallas to see the neurologist there, only for refills of meds and tell me to come back in 6 months. I asked for a referral to a doctor closer to home and he sent me to my guardian angel - my life saver neurologist in another town. She wanted to do a chest xray because I mentioned being short of breath. This is also a symptom of MG but since I wasn't experiencing any other muscle weakness at the time, she was suspicious of something else. From there it was a referral to a pulmonary specialist, then a CTscan, PETscan, surgery, chemo, etc.

    I thank God for guiding me to this new doctor.


  13. Hi Muriel,

    I'm late in posting too but congratulations on the FIVE YEARS. May you have many, many more. I am always inspired when I read about someone like you.


  14. Hi Christine,

    I've been a member here for a while but not very active in posting. However I've enjoyed reading your very positive posts. I think you belong here, need us, and please don't leave. I will continue to pray for Jerry, your mom, and you.

    Sending lots of ((((((((HUGS))))))) to you.


    Bette - Texas

  15. Carole,

    This is what is happening with me. I am very nearsighted and need glasses or contacts to see/drive, etc. Now with the change in my vision, I can take my glasses off and actually see better then I used to -not as well as with my glasses but definitely it has improved. Of course, the improved vision is the reason I can't see as well with my glasses. I may need to see my eye physician and get new glasses provided the CTscan is ok which I'm praying it is.

    I believe I did read that some people's vision improve as they age. But this hasn't been gradually - I've noticed it just the past 3-4 weeks.


  16. Well I finally decided to call my oncologist's office today. I talked with his nurse and told her about my mild headaches and vision problems. She talked with my oncologist and he is going to include the brain in the chest/abdomen CTScan scheduled on July 21. While I know that the brain CTscan is not as great a diagnosing tool as the MRI, I'll go ahead and have this test done and then see what shows up.

    I have posted at Dr. West's site about this and he feels that if my headaches back in April (when I last saw my oncologist and mentioned them to him) were because of a brain met, that my headaches would be increasing in frequency and pain by now. They haven't - in fact, I'm having less headaches but more vision problems. Again, that could be due to the myasthenia gravis .. it's just when we get a cancer diagnosis, all new symptoms could mean mets to me. I know you all understand.


  17. Hi Renate,

    I got the neuropathy after the second treatment. It gradually increased. By the third treatment, I had a checkup with my neurologist who said I had 'multiple neuropathies'. I didn't have any feeling in my toes, ankles, upper thigh, and my elbows. All that remains now is around my ankles and my toes. I did take neurontin for a short time but had to discontinue it due to the side effects of extreme fatigue and weakness. I have myasthenia gravis so it aggrevated that illness as the main symptoms are muscle weakness and fatigue.

    I would say it took 6 months after my last chemo treatment for some of the neuropathy to go away. It was over a year before I could wear some of my shoes - felt like bubble gum was in the soles of my shoes. I only have it around my ankles and toes now so that isn't as disabling.

    Best wishes,


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