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Posts posted by Bette64

  1. Hi Renate :P ,

    I'm just now reading your post and wanted to reply. Nick was right about the neuropathy not being permanent. Our doctors guess at what age our body might recover. I had the same chemo as you in 2006. The neuropathy in my toes and feet was so bad, I could barely walk. As time went on, it got better. My last and 4th treatment of taxo/carbo was in Aug. 2006. I still have mild numbness in my toes but nothing like it was. I am 64 and my doctor told me the neuropathy might be permanent. But even today, it is gradually improving.

    I don't know about Avastin making it worse. But remember we are each different in how we react to these meds/treatments. One of my doctors told me that my body had not aged like some 62 year olds (time of my surgery).

    Best wishes in whatever choice you make,


  2. Muriel, our dog is 8 years old. She's a registered Beagle and her name is Snoopy after the beagle in the Charlie Brown family :P . She is a loveable animal has never met a stranger. Our calico cat, Pepper, is actually named 'Peppermint Patty' and my daughter has a cat named Lucy. So you can see we love Charlie Brown Gang.

    When I was undergoing my chemo and feeling so bad, my cat would cuddle up next to the blanket on my legs and take her nap when I was napping. She was my comforter at that time. Even today if I'm feeling ill and resting on the bed, she is right there by my side. So she has an extra place in my heart and bed :P .

    Below is the URL to my personal webpage which shows more pics of our pets. In the photo of me holding Pepper, I'm wearing one of my scarves and a red hat that I wore alot after I lost all my hair.


    Take care,



    This is wonderful news, Dave :P . Don't worry about the waa waa. I'm also more anxious and concerned about 2 weeks before a checkup/CTscan.

    Celebrate and do the Happy Dance :roll: .

    Take care,


  3. Katie,

    There's a story behind that cat shirt. Back in March of this year, my sweet cat, Pepper, bit me on my arm - just playing, but my skin is very thin and with my immune system being so low, my arm got infected. I had to be hospitalized for 3 days so I could have antibiotics by IV .. sigh. Anyway that shirt was given to me by my daughter as a reminder to not mess with the cat.

    I'm glad all of you liked the photos Nick uploaded for me. I think it helps to 'view' a little of ourselves and family.

    Best wishes,

    Bette - Texas

  4. I'm not sure I'm posting in the right forum but I wanted to ask question about symptoms of brain mets. I have nsclc and am now 2 yr lung cancer survivor. Two months ago I saw my oncologist and a chest xray was done which was normal. I mentioned to him that I was having mild headaches esp. in the mornings. After my coffee and a tylenol, it gets better and is gone by afternoon. Because I have a history of TMJ (jaw problems), he thought that was the cause of my headaches. He did schedule a CTscan of chest to be done next month -July 21.

    Well the past few days I've noticed vision problems - not blurred or double but a change in my vision. I am very nearsighted and am blind as a bat for distance without my glasses or contacts. But I've noticed lately I can't see as well through my glasses. When I take them off, my nearsighted vision is improved ?? very strange for me. I'm also still having the headaches 2 or 3 times a week.

    I have found out that once you get cancer, no matter what the CTscans and chest xrays show, you still worry that it will return and show up on the next checkup. Maybe as more time goes by with remission, I'll worry less .. but I sort of doubt it.

    Sorry this is so long.


  5. Thanks to all of you for your gracious replies. I really feel welcome here. I will be posting the results of my CTscan which is scheduled in July. Please wish me luck and that the scan will be good.

    By the way, I think I know one of the members who replied here to me ... Connie?? I've seen you around somewhere.


    Nick, I'm about 100 miles E of Dallas so I know which part of Texas where you used to live.

    Great to meet you guys,


  6. Hi Everyone,

    I'm a member here but have found it a little difficult to find my way around :D . However I like the topic, LC Survivors. In May of this year, I was a 2 year lung cancer survivor. I have a CTscan scheduled for next month, so I'm hoping it will be ok and I can truly say I am in cancer remission. In April of this year, my oncologist only had a chest xray done. I'll feel a little better after a good CTscan.

    I know Barb and Meadow here so I don't feel alone. I hope to get to know the rest of you soon.

    Bette - Texas

  7. I just found this site today. I don't know how I missed it when I've done so much research online about lung cancer.

    I found out I had a spot on my lungs in April 2006 through a routine chest xray.

    On May 18, 2006, I had surgery for lower left lobectomy. Several lymph nodes were removed as well as lymph nodes in the bronchial area. All lymph nodes were benign but pathology report on lung nodule showed it to be attached to the viseral pleura lining of my lung and was staged as 1B Non-small cell lung cancer (adenocarcinoma).

    I then had 4 Chemo treatments of taxotere and carboplatin spaced every 3 weeks. The last CTscan done in Jan. 08 was good. I am scheduled for a chest xray in April.

    Hope to make some new friends here.



    CTscan 9/25/06 -NED

    Chest Xray 12-1-06 - NED

    CTscan 1-4-07 - NED

    CTscan 4-12-07 NED

    Chest Xray 7-18-07 NED

    CTscan Chest & Abdomen 9/14/07 NED

    CTscan 1/14/08 NED

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