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Posts posted by AnneM

  1. Hi, I can't be positive I'm on Tarceva, because I'm in a clinical trial, but I think I am because I have gotten very dry skin on my face and diarrea. I get very mild rash every once in a while. Anyway, if I am truly on the medication, my side effects are very mild and I have stable scans for 6 months. I have heard that the worse the rash the better results, but I also know there are many cases of it working well for people with minimal side effects.


  2. Oh my, you are describing exactly what I have been going through lately too. My kids are young too, and I just want to be there for them, to see them grow, to be able to play with them. I go through cycles where I'm crying often, and then times when I'm very positive. But, we can do this Colleen. We will be there for our kids!


  3. Mike,

    Just wanted to put my 2 cents in. I have Kaiser too, and they have been wonderful. It took a long time to get me diagnosed, but it seems that's typical with our type of cancer. I absolutely love my doctor. I have a research nurse because I'm part of a study and I can reach her anytime. Everyone in the chemo center is super nice and caring. My doctor is very busy, but she will always take time to answer any questions I have and make me feel more comfortable.


  4. I went to the doctor today and got my results. My brain MRI was normal, so headaches are probably a side effect of either Tarceva or Avastin, who knows. My CT is still stable, thank goodness. I've been a nervous wreck the past few weeks feeling like something's wrong, but all is well.


  5. Thanks for all of your thoughts. I actually don't qualify for SSD because I don't pay into it. But I can receive disability benefits from my state teacher retirement system that I pay into...I just found this out today. I'm leaning toward taking the 3 months medical leave that I have left and then taking the disability. It's kind of a matter of feeling like I'm giving up, that I won't get better and be able to go back to work, and that I won't need the retirement money. I feel on the other hand that if I go back to work there will be some normalcy and I can just forget about the "c" word.

  6. Hey everyone,

    Is anyone out there who is still in active treatment working? I was diagnosed in June and have not worked since. Right now, I've had 2 CTs where I have been stable. My back is much better, although it gets sore when I do too much and I feel generally okay. My leave hours will be up at the end of April and I'll need to either go back to work or have my doctor sign the permanently disablity form I think. I feel I could go back to work part time. The problem is that I have a feeling of dread that something may happen and I'll just have to leave work again. Also, I have a 2 year old home during the day and I want to spend the time I have with her. On the other hand, it would be helpful to the family to bring in a little more money. I'm conflicted.


  7. Hi Sandra,

    I had 6 chemo treatments and stopped having cycles after the first one. My last treatment was in November and I'm still having hot flashes, although, not as often as before. I've stopped having night sweats. No cycle return yet. I'm thinking it's not going back to normal for me.


  8. Tarceva is infamous for its rash, which is probably unlike any rash you're ever had. When will you get the official word?

    I seem to get a very mild rash off and on so it's not completely clear that I'm getting Tarceva, but I also have GI issues with it which I did not get on Avastin alone. I will only find out for sure it the cancer starts progressing again, then they will unblind the study and make sure I'm on Tarceva.

  9. Hi everyone, my name is Anne and I was diagnosed with stage IV NSCLC in June of '07. I started having symptoms (I guess they were strange symptoms)in January of '05 but my doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with me until I started having severe back pain in April of '07 which eventually led to my diagnosis. I just found this board a couple of days ago and have been reading some of your amazing stories which have given me a push in the positive direction (I've been a bit down lately). Thank you everyone for sharing your stories on this board...I wish I had found it sooner.

    Right now, my CTs have been stable, I have another CT next week and an MRI tomorrow because I've been having headaches. I'm hoping it's just too much coffee or something like that.

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