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Posts posted by bluebayou

  1. Dear Cathy,

    Just saw your email and my heart goes out to you. This has to be a very difficult time and all my prayers will be focussed on you first that you can make the clinical trial and then again that it succeeds for you.

    Good luck my friend,


  2. Dear Karen,

    You and I both know that depression is a serious matter (a disease actually) so i don't want you to belittle yourself over that. It is something that needs treating and that's what you are doing. If anything, it takes a very strong woman to admit to needing treatment and seeking some help to overcome it. You should be proud of your ability to do so. Many can't.

    The literature and years of experience felt by women all over the world supports that.

    Take care of yourself now, you need this for YOURSELF!!

    God Bless Us All, Francine

  3. Hi All!

    I want to thank each and everyone of you who were kind enough to wish me luck/send up prayers (you know who you are :-) And I'm extremely happy to report that all is well. I have a teeny tiny tumour left on a gland and even that has shrunk. Nothing else is visible. Yoopee!!!!!

    Hubbie and I called some very dear friends and suggested we get together that evening at a very quaint Italian restaurant. We had a blast!!

    Sooooo, till the next set of tests, I am going to revel in this very good news as well as pray that you all get the best of news as well. Good luck and God Bless.

    With much affection, Francine

  4. I would like to thank you as well for the effort you and Rick put forth to make the public at large aware of this disease we all love to hate.

    Please let me know how i can go about donating to this site. It might be complicated because of my living here in Canada. Let me know how this can be done.

    Again, thx from the bottom of my heart for all that you are, that you do, and have no doubt will continue to do.

    God Bless Us All,


  5. Hi All :-),

    First of all, may I wish a very sincere welcome to all of those who have signed on in the past few months. I come here every day but for a variety of reasons do not respond very often. Happy that you are here and I know what a benefit it will be to you.

    I have carried this disease since Fall of 003. My bio below is sooooo out of date so I will catch you all up to speed. After the steretactic surgery, we turned our attention to chemo to the chest and gland. I did 3 sessions and I was about to tell the doctor that I needed a break, but to my surprise and pleasure, he said no problem, he was about to take me off of it anyway.One thing did remain however and that was pain. With a view to ridding ourselves of this, I underwent surgery to my spine where we had previously radiated and after a short while the pain was just about gone if not altogether. The theory was that what was left of the tumour was pressing on the nerves causing the pain.

    Last week I underwent a series of CT Scans from head to pelvis. I wouldn't be nervous about that except that I'm experiencing similar symptons that I once did and those led to brain mets. I've convinced myself that they are BACK!!

    I see the doctor tomorrow and would ask for your prayers that I'm totally wrong about my self-prognosis. Scary Time!!!

    Thanks for listening and once again, welcome here, we are happy to have you and hope you will stay.

    God Bless Us All,


  6. H Carrie,

    I did in fact have WBR (10 sessions) back in Feb of this year. It was to kill off any unseen tumours and was followed up by stereotactic surgery to remove the 3 tumours that they did see. All went well. I had fatigue and short term memory loss, nothing I can't live with. Hope all goes well with you.

    Keeping you in my prayers.

    God Bless Us All..


  7. Debi...

    Wish I could take all of your fears away and throw get rid of them never to surface again. They are as real as they can be regardless of where you are in terms of your cancer.

    I was up with you till around 4 a.m. worrying myself to death about everything but mostly I have it in my mind that my brain mets are back and because i've already gone down that road, I suspect that my options are very limited if not non-existant.

    Sorry we cant somehow sweat these horrible nights together. I feel somehow it might not be as tough to go thru.

    All the prayers in the world are on their way up not so much to clear you of your fear of recurrent cancer but to clear you of overall fear period.

    God Bless us All..

    Your friend, Francine

  8. Hey Rich..

    Will make this short and sweet. I have been in pain for the past few years with no relief. I have tried (with the help of pain management teams) everything under the sun. The other day, we were driving back from friends and the pain in my back was worse than usual. My husband suggested taking tylenols. I laughed and said something along the lines of *if morpine can't do it, why on earth would tylonols?* It worked. I now take 2 three times daily and I have no pain.

    Meanwhile, I took from time to time some xanax for anxiety. At the very same time as this tylenol thing, my shrink suggested I take them regularly. Anxiety = one of the greatest pain stressors. It worked. Don't know which was the catalyst or if they worked in tandem, but I HAVE NO MORE PAIN!!!!!!!

    Regards, Francine

    God Bless Us All

  9. Hey Carleen!!

    So sorry about the delay in answering but i haven't been home for some time (hospitalized).

    Wanted to let you know that I was diagnosed last August with 2 mets to the brain. Luckily, they were small and accessible. So they started with ten day's worth of WBR...then followed up with stereotactic surgery (not an easy procedure to be sure) :-(. That being said, it took care of them which made me a bone fide member of the *empty headed* club.

    Hope this helps and know that you are both in my prayers (always have been).

    God Bless Us All


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