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Posts posted by MarGre

  1. Hi Anne - sorry you are feeling down. I am a 2 1/2 year survivor, diagnosed Stage IV NSCLC (50 year old, good health, non-smoker). The cancer is still there, but much smaller than at diagnosis and it hasn't left the lung. So I'm hoping to be around a while longer. My doctor has a great attitude - treats it like a chronic condition; no likely cure, but always hope for a long life with treatment when needed. I'm going to see my son graduate from H.S. this month; at dx that didn't seem likely. So find hope in everyone's survival stories!

    By the way, cute kids!


  2. Your news is wonderful! I could really relate to your story, as I wondered at dx if I'd see my son graduate from high school, and I am. It's always great to hear good news.


  3. So sorry about your diagnosis, I'm sure you were in shock, like I was. I am a 2 1/2 year Stage IV survivor, pretty much traditional treatment (chemo, radiation) but a firm believer in good diet, some exercise, and a good support network to maintain your stamina as you go through treatment. Hope you can get some inspiration and hope from people here.


  4. Hi - I joined yesterday and today have good news to share - had my 3 month PET results and the two spots in my right lung are improved, no signs of cancer elsewhere. This is my second time on carbo/taxol/avastin - had this combo 2 years ago and had a complete response. My doctor was hoping since it'd been so long I would still respond. That's after 6 weekly treatments so still have more to go. Feel like I dodged the bullet yet one more time.

  5. That's great news! I've experienced shortness of breath also on my chemo (carbo/taxol/avastin) but no apparent cause so doctor also attributes it to chemo. It is scary, though, when you don't know what it is.


  6. Hi - I've actually been reading this site for a while and finally got around to joining, long overdue. I've been on another site but lately it has not been the help (info and morale-wise) that it was. I'm a 2 1/2 year survivor still going strong. I am 51 years old married w/2 kids (13 and 18) and a nonsmoker whose L/C was found by accident - in that I'm fortunate. This last week has been extremely stressful as I get my PET results tomorrow. The moment I hate most is when my doctor walks in; he's got a good "poker face" so I can't read him till he starts talking. The bright side is I haven't gone through all the treatments yet (wait a minute, that's the bright side? boy has my perspective changed in 2 1/2 years.)

    Hope to "talk" to some of you in the future.


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