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Posts posted by bwarfel

  1. It was 18 years ago tonight, nearly to this moment, that she left us.  The years have eased the pain, but it's still there and always will be I'm sure.  She is missed and very much loved.

  2. I last posted here on September 9, which was the anniversary of our learning that my wife had nsclc, stage 3B. Tonight is another of those anniversaries that bring back such painful memories. It was six years ago that my wife passed away. May 29 was Memorial Day that year, and every year, both on Memorial Day, and May 29, my mind, heart, and soul are transported back to the day. The memories of that day are still so vivid. Even though she had a terminal illness, I had never given up hope, and her death came suddenly and unexpectedly. She was a wonderful and caring person, and she had friends from all over the world. She was a librarian, and a tribute was published in the county newsletter in her memory. It contained this passage which really said so much about her life.

    We mourn her loss and honor her memory as co-workers and friends:

    For her vibrancy and for her delight in the world around her,

    For her sense of fun and her caring ways,

    For her abilty to give and receive friendship and love,

    For being such a source of strength in such a little package,

    We honor and treasure her memory - we celebrate her life.

    Lac-Yee was only 54 years old. I miss her so.....

    In memory of Lac-Yee Warfel

    August 23, 1952 - May 29, 2006.

    Bill Warfel

    Fayetteville, NC

  3. Thank you so much, Katie, Randy, and Ry. It's nice to know that sometimes I can say what's in my heart and know there's someone there to listen. I truly appreciate your kind thoughts.


  4. It was on this day, September 9, 2004, late in the evening, that we learned my wife had nsclc. It was a day that changed my life forever. To this day the sadness remains. I tolerate it better, but momentary thoughts still bring me to tears. I have many things in my life that bring me much happiness, but not being able to share them with her is difficult. Our daughter's graduation from medical school, her marriage, the birth of our first grandchild. Such happiness, yet such an empty space in my heart. On the anniversary of the day that was such a defining point in my life, I cherish my wife's memory, I think of everyone who was lost to this unmerciful killer, and I wish peace and happiness to all those who like me have lost someone they love so much.

    In memory of Lac-Yee Warfel

    August 23, 1952 - May 29, 2006


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