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  1. Okay, So my dad, who has been the closest person to me throughout my life, came back from a trip at the end of July feeling "run down" and "short of breath." Our good friend and family doctor prescribed antibiotics (diagnosing him with "Walking pneumonia") and told him to get some rest & come back in a couple of days. By the time he went back & they realized that the antibiotics weren't having any effect on his sickness, they decided to do an x-ray to be safe. Apparently there was so much fluid in his right lung that they had to drain 2 liters. After this another x-ray was taken, then a cat scan and during all of this I'm thinking "Why in the world is all of this craziness happening for Walking pneumonia?!" At the end of that week, my incredibly health concious dad was diagnosed with lung cancer. This is a man that has never smoked in his life, eats well and exercises any chance he can get. I just don't understand. Talk about random. AND, how is this possible that this all happened so quickly within a 2-3 week span? My dad is a real estate Broker and owns his own company. Also, together we own a specialty wine store together. I have an older brother (32) who works for me at times, but since losing his mother to breast cancer when he was 12, has been very closed off to love, talking to family, closeness of any kind. Now he's having to watch his father battle cancer too. I'm so worried about him. My parents are divorced, but still maintain a friendly relationship and my mom is worried sick too. We live in a small town and everyone has heard the news it seems and they're all contacting me. Out of town family doesn't want to bother my dad (which I'm thankful for) so they call me for updates, information as well. I am a single mom and trying desperately to take care of my almost 3 year old daughter in this very stressful time. I feel like I have bricks tied to my feet and am trying to stay above water on this one. In addition to runnning my store, I'm taking on managing my dad's rental properties and am very glad to do it & take it off of his plate, but I'm starting to think I've lost my mind! My dad isn't much of a communicator and so while they're sure it's lung cancer and stage IV, I have no idea the specific kind of cancer, what exactly their going to do for treatment, or any details on preperation for what all of this entails. I can feel the ulcers developing and can see the grey hairs popping up constantly. I think not knowing is the worst. I feel like a zombie. More later... Lili
  2. Hey there, I'm a 25 year old, single mother of a 3 year old, business owner whose father was just diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer last week. He's the closest person to me (besides my daughter) and so I've gone from being a seriously responsible, capable and driven person, to feeling physically and mentally unable; Almost like I've been hit by a two-by-four. I am now taking on what was always my dad's role as cornerstone of our friends, family and business ventures. Glad to have these sites so that I don't get dumped into the looney bin. L
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