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Posts posted by peggy

  1. I agree that most people say things in desperation, trying to make it better, not realizing that saying "He's better off now" is not going to make you happier or feel better.

    I had a friend who said "Everyone has to die sometime" after I lost my husband. That was the worst thing I had said to me and this person is no longer my friend.

    Personally, I preferred to have someone just say "I'm so very sorry for your loss" and letting me talk without trying to cheer me up. Having them say they knew just how I felt because they lost a parent didn't help. I have lost both my parents who I dearly loved, and losing my husband was a whole other thing, which I never understood til it happened to me.

    My first response was to come out of my chair and pin her to the floor and choke her (I wanted to show here where heaven was).

    Thanks for the laugh. I know the feeling. :lol:

  2. Pamela, that is so normal. I had to go to the hospital after my husband died, to visit my step father. I was so overcome with the flood of awful memories I started to hyperventilate and felt a full blown panic attack coming on. I had to go outside to try and compose myself before going back in.

  3. We were a team. Our love for each other made us like one person. When one of us suffered the other did. There was no me and no Johnny. There was only us. Then suddenly he was gone and I found myself totally alone. No one needed my care any more. There were no appointments to make and no doctors office to drive to. No medications to pick up or hand out. There were no anxiety attacks to talk him down from. There was no one to snuggle at night and no one to say "I love you". Everything that had been my world for five and a half months was gone. I was no longer the most important person in anyone else's life. I was alone and unneeded.

    Yes. This is why I hate coming to this board, but at the same time I love it. I cry every time I come here, but it's a relief to know that there are people who understand so very well what we are going through.

    This time of year is very hard. For a whole summer, I watched my husband stuggle, fight and inevitably give in to this disgusting horrible illness that robbed him of everything before it took his life.

    When my father died, I had my mother and my friends to turn to. When she in turn died, I had my husband's strong shoulder to cry on and the comfort of knowing that with him, life did indeed go on. When he left me, there was no one to turn to and the void he left can never be filled.

  4. silkee, my deepest sympathy for your loss. It is very recent, and your anger is normal.

    I know how enraged I was with certain aspects of my husband's care. He was treated royally at the hospital until it became apparent he would not survive. Then the doctors turned their backs on him, and treated him as though he didn't matter anymore - as though he were not a real person any more.

    I cannot tell you how this still pains me to think about.

    Write a letter, putting down all your thoughts and feelings about your mom's care. Put the letter away for a month, and if you still feel your complaints are legitimate at the end of that time, send it.

    I did this with a home nursing service, and did send the letter and it was somewhat theraputic to get that anger, hurt and resentment out. I still feel I did the right thing.

  5. Lily that is so true. I lost both my parents, but losing my husband was not the same.

    Although I loved my parents and grieved deeply for them, I didn't live with them, my future was not with them, my LIFE was not with them.

    The loss of a spouse is the loss of everything you hoped and dreamed and planned. I lost my best friend, my confident, my strength, my partner, lover and family. I feel like I have no home now, because HE was my home.

    I didn't understand this until it happened to me, and having well-meaning people say "I know how you feel. I lost my mother/father." I know they were trying to comfort me, but I wanted to scream "It's NOT the same!!"

    To everyone else, my husband's death is ancient history after 4 years, but to me it's a struggle every day to cope with this loss.

  6. Dear Joan,

    It's only been one month, and denial, guilt, anger and grief and final acceptance are stages we must all go through.

    You are NOT crazy, believe me. I lost my mother to cancer and my husband as well and I feel the pain of losing my husband will never go away.

    It WILL get better, but don't rush it. Let yourself feel whatever it is you feel and don't let ANYONE tell you that you should be over it by a certain date. Doesn't work that way.

    What I most highly recommend is a support group for people who have lost their parents. It won't make you get over your loss, or make your grief any less, but it WILL ease you to talk to other people who really do know what you are going through. At the very least, it will help you understand that your feelings are so normal.

    Some things are too big to handle alone. I never thought I would join any kind of group, but in my desperation I called and it's one of the better things I did and really helped save my life. It's a relief to talk to people who know what you are saying, and I think YOU need to talk!

    There are a few lines that I find so very touching and so very true:

    "Grief is like the ocean; it comes on waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim." Vicki Harrison

  7. Thanks Cathy. Yes, this day is harder than many others and I try to just ignore it.

    I have 3 roses that my husband went and got for me on the last Valentine's Day of his life, and while he was undergoing chemotherapy.

    I dried them and kept them.

    I wish that happy memories of past Valentine's Days could comfort me, but instead they cause me only great pain and a reminder of all that has been lost.

    I'm sorry to be a downer. :(

  8. Wow! I'm reading all these posts with tears for the pain, and saying, "Yes, oh yes - I know!"

    I had myself thoroughly convinced that I would not allow myself to fall completely apart! And..you know what? I did a pretty damned good job of it for a while. Everyone would comment on how well I seemed to be doing. I was numb!!! I had turned off all emotions...good and bad...in order to be strong and survive. Now...I know that I need to hurt and have been doing so for months! Not merely hurting...actually aching inside and feeling all of this all over again.

    Yep, I did so well and was so strong - everyone said so. I too was dazed, numbed and not allowing myself to think or feel. If any feelings did come up, I would snuff them out with pills until I was a zombie. People chose to believe that I was fine, and left me alone in my house the night of my husband's death, after first asking "Are you alright?"

    "You're strong" they said. I wasn't strong!! I was in a state of terror, shock and desperation but I couldn't give in cause who would take care of my husband?

    And about the "rooms"...my husband had recently taken up woodworking as hobby, and was very excited about retiring and spending Sundays at flea markets, selling his creations and enjoying life after working since he was 14. Entering his woodworking room caused such pain it nearly floored me, and even going in there now is nearly impossible. It's his loss I cry for, not mine. He was the eternal optimist, always excited about the future and the possiblities that lay there, always full of plans and dreams.

    Candy, I'm so sorry about the attitude towards your husband's ashes. I too have my husband's ashes near me, and to have anyone call them "disgusting" is cruel beyond belief. When people say hurtful and thoughtless things to me, I just have to tell myself it's because they cannot possibly understand.

    Sorry for the jumbled up post. I can't seem to say what I really want to. :(

  9. Pam, we understand!

    After my husband's death, people would ask me "So, how are you?"

    What I wanted to answer is "I am heartbroken, devastated and in the worst pain I've even known because I have lost my partner, friend, family, lover and my future. How do you think I feel?"

    Instead I would say "Oh fine" and I could hear the relief in their voices at hearing this. They didn't want to hear my pain.

    The worst comments I got were from people I thought were friends. One said "Well, everyone has to die sometime." And "Now you can come and live downtown - after all, you're free now." (Free????)

    Another friend asked why I was not looking foreward to Christmas. I was stupified at first, but mentioned that maybe the fact that I was alone in the world had some bearing on that feeling.

    She said "Oh, I know what you mean. Sometimes Peter (her husband) has to work on Christmas and I am alone." What do you say to this??

    I cut these people out of my life without hesitation. I no longer tolerate anyone who brings me down, or is totally negative or dismissive.

    Friends are people who are on your side. And we should not have to apologize for being down, or for crying. Sometimes just a little sympathy can do wonders.

    But no one who has not been where we are can understand. It's not their faults, so a board like this where we ARE understood is such a relief to come to.

    I wish you all peace for the New Year.

  10. Right Ann - the shock protects us for quite awhile. I was a dynamo the year following my husband's death. There was nothing I could not do!

    The second year is much harder, I found. The shock has worn off and the reality of life as it now sets in.

  11. Oh, man, Shirley! Do I know what you mean! In the early stages of my grief (as you are in yours) I positively felt hatred for elderly couples in particular. Every time I would see them, I would be screaming inside "It's not fair!! Why do THEY get 50 years, and we only got 17??"

    Going out on Saturday nights was impossible. That is "couples" night, and seeing them in restaurants having intimate dinners was way too painful a reminder of what I had and lost.

    Anger is a stage of grief, and a normal part of it. Don't deny your feelings - this too will pass, I promise.

    You are NOT alone in what you feel.

    Hugs to you.

  12. Dear Christina

    5 1/2 months is no time at all, and you are most likely still in the "dazed" stage. This affects all of us very differently. Two weeks after my husband's death, I was stripping wallpaper and painting. It seemed perfectly reasonable at the time, but looking back I know I was in a state of shock. I had to fill every minute of every day, just wishing the hours to pass so I could go to the oblivion of my bed.

    After the shock wore off, I became unable to do the simplest things - everything seemed pointless and too much effort.

    I think you may be mistaken about not being depressed. Depression has many signs aside from crying all day. Being unable to concentrate, loss of appetite, sleeping a great deal, lethargy - all part of depression.

    It's good you have a job, but try and take a little time to do things you enjoy - a long hot soak, reading a book, watching a movie, just going for a walk or yes - even "wasting" a day away. Be gentle with yourself and don't push too hard, o.k.?

    What kind of support do you have? Family, friends....? Have you seen a counselor or joined a support group?

  13. Kathy - Oct 12! This is brand new for you, and I know just exactly how you feel - you are still in a state of shock, because even though deep in our minds we knew they were going to die - the denial is very very strong.

    Yes, I "knew" my husband was dying, but I didn't really know - if that makes any sense.

    When I talked to a counselor and told her that I couldn't face the fact that he would die, she said "How could you? How could face the fact that you were going to lose the most important person in your life - if you did, you could not go on." She was right.

    Other people mean well, but they just don't know what to say to comfort us - not realizing that there is no comfort. I've learned a lot from this, mainly that people should not try "make it better" by saying things like "He's in a better place" or "It's a blessing".

    Mostly, what I wanted was to talk - about him and his suffering, and my pain and suffering - but those are things people don't want to hear. No one ever mentions my husband, I guess for fear of me breaking down (although why that is so dreadful I don't know!) It's like he never lived, and that is very hurtful to me.

    I'm sorry to ramble, but I haven't had a place to talk about this for a long time, so please bear with me.

    And Kathy - HUGS to you!!!!

    p.s. I wonder if we could set up a chat night?


  14. It's so sad when people add to your grief by turning into vultures when a death occurs.

    Your step dad was your mom's husband, and he does NOT owe anything to anyone. Anything he chooses to give is a GIFT, and one doesn't complain about the size or value of gifts.

    I had the same problem with one of my husband's daughters hounding me for money - the same daughter who offered him no comfort during his illness.

    I would just ignore these people. Tell them if they aren't happy, to take him to court over it. That should shut them up. Hopefully it make them realize how classless they are, but I wouldn't count on it.

    If they call you to gripe, just politely tell them you feel it's none of your business and you do not wish to discuss it.

  15. Dear Bereaved Heart:

    The death of your loved one

    has forced you to start

    A new type of living

    That's hard on the heart

    Undecorating your life

    Of it's angers and fears

    Is not easy to do

    Without shedding tears

    And untying your guilt

    Can release a bundle of strife.

    Questions are stirred up

    About living and life.

    Don't be concerned now

    With invitations, big meals

    See how the little stuff

    Handles and feels.

    Let the love of your family,

    Neighbors and friends

    Uphold and sustain you

    When you're at loose ends

    Most eager to be there,

    Willing to share.

    Tell them your needs,

    And they'll show you they care.

    They'll take you shopping,

    Write cards, even cook.

    Let that stuff go now

    Get yourself off the hook.

    You need time for healing,

    You've much work to do.

    Your heart needs mending--

    Give that gift to YOU.

    Take a walk , read a book,

    Try something your style

    Make sure it's relaxing,

    Makes you pause and rest awhile

    When holiday invitations

    knock at your door,

    Don't say "yes" to five

    When you only want four

    If you wish to remember

    Your loved one who died,

    Plant a tree, give a gift

    Let your heart be your guide

    This season of wonder

    Can bring you relief

    If you're willing to unwrap

    Your tears and your grief.

    Please listen, Bereaved Heart,

    Stay close and please dare

    To open your package

    And let others care.

    Signed, your friend

    To all the bereaved hearts on this board, I wish you peace this season.


  16. I know sometimes for no apparant reason those visions come back and hit you like a ton of bricks

    YES! They are what I call "flashbacks" and they hit me at the oddest times. They've caused me to have panic attacks and have to leave whatever place I happen to be at the time. The memories hit so hard and are so painful! Opening a drawer and seeing his glasses in it, looking through papers and finding a note he wrote...all these little things hit like a kick in the stomach.

    I truly feel like I had or have post traumatic stress from the ordeal. My husband actually told me that it was harder on me than on him, because while he was taking action to save his life, I could do nothing but watch. As we know, nothing is worse than watching a loved one suffer and being unable to offer relief and I would have done anything to save him.

    And it is terribly difficult to put on a brave face every day and support our loved ones, and have no one to support us! I went to a support group after my husband's death, and I recommend this to anyone. If nothing else, these groups help you realize that you are NOT going crazy, and that all the emotions - denial, anger, depression and sorrow are normal, that grief does not have a timetable.

    I'm very sorry about your dad. I lost my dear mother to cancer too, 7 years before my husband died. That was a real blow, as we were very close, but I still had my husband and a whole other life apart from her.

    How I longed for her when my husband was gone and I had no one to turn to, but I can think of her now mostly without the severe pain that I feel every single day for my husband.

    And yes - I feel deeply for all those here who are fighting, and for their families. I know just exactly how they feel, but we need a place to talk too, about our own suffering and pain. Some things are way too big to be borne alone. No one who has not been there can truly understand.

  17. This type of forum is very much needed by those of us who need a place to vent, discuss our fears and grief with people who understand.

    I say very little to friends and family now - I know they expect me to be "over it" after 4 years but I'm NOT! I will never get "over it."

    The lonliness I can bear most easily. The loss of my - OUR - future and all our plans is harder. But the most difficult of all are the memories of my husband's desperate fight to survive. To see my vital, life-loving and happy husband deteriorate and finally concede defeat was worse than words can describe.

    Hearing him finally say "I want to die" is something that will haunt me and cause me pain til my own dying day.

    THANK YOU for giving me a place to say these things, and not have to see people avert their eyes when I say them.

  18. I lost my job about 6 months before my husband died. This was fortunate, as I could be with him 24/7.

    After he died, I felt like I was wandering in a wilderness, lost, alone and frantic. The pain was indescribable, and I couldn't eat and lost 27 lbs. I was living on Ativan, and drinking way too much. Looking back, I realize I was not in my right mind.

    Luckily about 3 months after my husband's death, my former employer asked me to return. I can say without exaggerating, that returning to work saved my life. It gave me a reason to get up in the morning, a reason to get dressed and someplace to go. About 3 weeks after I started, I began to eat again.

    It was very hard to go back to work. But I did it, even though on the way home my tears would flow at the thought of of the empty house I was returning to.

    I can only advise you to take the job. As hard as it will be, you'll find it will give you a feeling of normalacy during the daytime. A job is great therapy.

  19. Lilyjohn - after reading your posts, I had to check and make sure I had not written them!

    My husband died of cancer on Aug 23, 1999 and the pain has not lessened, and I doubt it will ever go away. Doctors washed their hands of him and denied him the dignity he deserved.

    Like you, I was filled anger at the treatment my husband received after it was clear he was going to die. My anger is gone, but the pain and sorrow remain.

    I would love to chat with your about your feelings. I cannot seem to go on with my life,but have to hide my feelings from friends and family, who think I should "be over it" by now.

    Maybe we can help each other...my Yahoo ID is peg4cda. I hope you will add me to your list!

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