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Posts posted by lindseysmom

  1. When I first was diagonised I was out of work because I had pleurisy and pneumonia. After I started radiation and the first round of chemo, I started to feel better. I returned to work and continued to work during the next 6 months of chemo. My dr. even suggested I do so. He says he thinks patients do better if they keep busy. I beleive this too. However everyone is different and I was one of the very lucky ones that had very little side effects.

    Best Wishes,


  2. Dear Grace and W.

    Her dr. has told her chemo is really not a option because they say chemo does not penetrate the brain. I had another friend who had Non Hodgkins lymphoma and the dr. put a stint into her head. I would think something else could be done for her.

    Thanks for posting a response


  3. I have a friend that was diagnosed with stage 2 NSLS last April. She is 69 years old, previous smoker. He has completed radiation and chemo. She has not had surgery. Chest CT shows all clear in chest HOWEVER now she has brain mets.

    She has several treatments WBR. This has not helped. Her dr. has told her there is nothing more that she can do. She said she is not a candidate for the gamma knife treatments as she has more than seven mets. She said she really was not sure how many she has. I told her I think she needs a second opinion she feels she has her dr. called another dr. on the phone and he agreed. I really need so me suggestions to tell her. We have been friends for such a long time. I care for her and just want to help her. She is really upbeat and she has told that never has she thought she wouldn't make it.

    Best Wishes,


  4. A pledge form was sent out, the 1st year I recieved $125.00, the second year I received $25.00 plus what the company donated. No one signed up to do the walk.

    I wish I was a better writer. I consider doing a piece on living with lung cancer and submitting it to my human resource to be put in our newsletter.

    Ry, I'll check out the post that Welthy wrote.



  5. Everywhere you look there is something with pink on it. Shoes, yogurt, mints, cans of soup, commericals on TV buy this sandwich and help fight breast cancer.

    I can't even escape it at work. I've received emails from my human resource office through out the month, we're holding a silent auction, for a pink teddy bear, pink necklace/earring set, a 50/50 drawing. They are trying to raise at least $5,000.00. For the last two years I have participated in a lung cancer walk. The first year the company gave me $50.00 and $85.00 for the second year. I have worked at this company for 9 years. I do work in a small branch office and not corporate, but boy this still feels crappy. And on top of it I feel guilty for feeling this way. My own husband doesn't seem to understand. I tried to talk with him about it and he says don't fuss at me about it.

    I guess I just needed to vent and knew this was the place I could.



  6. Oh Don,

    I have not been on the board very much lately and just saw this. My heart is breaking for you. I wish there were some magical words that I could say to help ease your pain, but there's not. My thoughts and prayes are with you.

    Best Wishes,


  7. I have a friend who smokes, she needs a hernia operation. The dr. refuses to do it until she stops smoking. She is really upset with him. But he is only doing this for her own good because she has had problems before. The last time she had surgery she had to be put on a ventilator. She was on it for several days at 100%. She almost did not pull through.

    Best Wishes,


  8. Oh Carleen,

    I wish I could take away your hurt. But there is nothing anyone can say or do to stop your feelings of despair. Only time will help. Please remember we are all here for you. You are so loved here Carleen.

    Best Wishes,


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