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Posts posted by lindseysmom

  1. Shelly,

    My friend had a mass as large as a football, two years ago. It was cancer. Guess what it had not spread. She had stage 1. They removed it. She did chemo just as a precaution. She's doing great.

    I agree with Becky, Just take her dinner or something. Everyone always says, let me me know if I can do anything. I never took anyone up on that. I bet most people on this board wouldn't ask for help either. But I always appreciated the times my friends showed up with dinner.

    Best Wishes,



  2. I have a CT scan done every three months. They first do a short scan without contrast and then they do a scan with contrast. They always tell me to drink plenty of fluids that day to wash the contrast out of my kidneys.

    Best Wishes,


  3. Jamie,

    Wow how exciting for you. I know you will have a wonderful time. Try and go see Wicked if you can. It's wonderful show. My daughter and I saw it two years ago. I would just love to see it again.

    Best Wishes,


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