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Posts posted by lindseysmom

  1. I remember when sodas were sold in glass returnable bottles. I remember my older sister had moved to Florida. I took the bottles around to the store so I could buy a stamp so I could mail her a letter . I don't even know how she recieved the letter. All I had on the envelope was her name and the city and state. Boy I remember when stamps where only 2 cents.

    Best Wishes,


  2. Addie you have always been such a inspiration to everyone here. Your posts have always been witty and so thoughtful to others. My prayers and thoughts are with you.

    Best Wishes,


  3. Hi Joanie,

    I had severe joint pain in hands, hips, feet etc. At times I could hardly walk. I would walk bent over for a while, especially after I had been sitting or laying down. I looked and felt like a very old woman. I think it was from the chemo. I see that you recently finished chemo also. The pain eventually did go away. Well most of it anyway.

    Best Wishes,


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