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Posts posted by lindseysmom

  1. Hi Tammy,

    I do the walk, not the run. I need to get on the treadmill myself. Bet I'm going to be sorry.

    I would love to meet you also. PM me if you want and I'll give you my cell number, so we can get together and say hi. My youngest daughter did get off of work so she'll be attending also. We are going to come down Friday afternoon. I hope the weather will be nice. Last year it was beautiful. I was so overwhelmed last year with the turnout.

    Well hope to see you there.

    Best Wishes,


  2. Yes, Donna it is. I did the walk last year and I had a great time. I was overwhelmed with the turnout. The young ladies that put it all togehter did a remarkable job.

    Wish you were still down here, we could do it together.

    Best Wishes,


  3. Anyone doing the walk on Saturday November 5TH in VA Beach, VA. I did the walk last year and the event was great. The young ladies who put on the event raised over $55,000.00. Wasn't that great.

    Well I would like to do the walk again this year, but I don't have anyone who will do the event with me. So I thought I would check with some of you on the board to see if anyone was attending? Maybe we could meet?

    Best Wishes,


  4. Hey Jamie,

    Your little boy has the sweetest little face. He is just so cute. Tell the little fella Happy Birthday.

    And you know what its ok to spoil them.

    Best Wishes,


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