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Posts posted by lindseysmom

  1. Gosh, so many of you are so talented. I am not one of them. I play no instuments, I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket. I can barely sew on a button, can't draw a straight line without a ruler.

    I do like to cook. Most of the time I'm pretty good.

    At least my family tells me I am.

    Best Wishes,


  2. It would be the time my dad took me fishing. I was probally around nine or ten. It was just the two of us. We were in a little John boat, fishing with a old cane pole with a cork bobber. I don't even remember if we caught any fish or not. I'm sure my dad did. He loved to fish. But I do remember that my dad had brought a cantaloupe for us to eat. However we had lost the knife. The only thing he had to cut it open with was a screwdriver. Let me tell you it was the best cantaloupe I have ever eaten. Sounds kind of gross today, but boy was it good. Gosh, I miss my Dad.

    Best Wishes,


  3. Being late.

    I have another pet peeve. I can't stand a drawer or a cabinet to be left opened. My husband had a bad habit of doing this. So one day I was getting ready to leave for work, and he was in the another room. I open every cabinet and drawer in the kitchen and left for work. It pretty much broke him of this habit.

    Best Wishes,


  4. Hi Ralph,

    Glad you have a great doc. I had the same treatment.

    My throat did become sore. Very hard to swallow. I knew I had to keep eating to keep my strenght up, so I did. It will help if you cut the food into smaller pieces. You may need to chew a little longer. You may even need to change your diet. May need to try softer foods. You may even need to eat them at room temp. But the most important thing is to continue to eat. I did get a really bad case of indigestion, never had a problem with it before. You will probally become fatigued. Try to get some rest.

    As far as the chemo treatments. I really had a easy time with that also. Fatigued, hair loss, put me into menopause. But you don't have to worry about that. Low blood counts a couple of times but no real problems.

    Everyone is different. Please keep your doctor informed on any side affects. As Barney Fife would say NIP IT BUD.

    Best Wishes,


  5. People who park in handicap parking spaces when they are clearly not handicap.

    People who take up two parking spaces because they don't want dings.

    People who don't say excuse me or acknowledge you if you say excuse me.

    People who are going to be late and don't have the courtesy to call and let you know.

    Had to get one more in there.

    Best Wishes,


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