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Posts posted by lindseysmom

  1. Hi Cindi,

    You haven't lost your mojo. Your mojo has been working overtime. You are always, and I mean always, here for everyone. It's just a little tired now and needs a little rest. It's called being human. Everyone has days where we are not upbeat and bubbly.

    Everyone on the board respects, and loves you. We will always be here for you as you have been here for all of us.

    Wishing you well on the decisions you need to make.

    Best Wishes,


  2. Lisa,

    I am so happy to see someone actually saying that to the press. What a great comparison. Thank-you so much. I have always said if someone is going to ask me a lung cancer patient if I smoked or not, then why were they not asking that heart patient, do you smoke or,do you eat fatty foods. Also there are other types of cancers that smoking contributes to, so why wouldn't they ask the same question to them, are you a smoker.

    Lisa, I see that Donna asked if People Magazine called you or if you called them and I see by your answer that they called you. But how did ABC News contact you? And how does it feel to be our shining star?

    Keep up the good work.

    Best Wishes,


  3. Hi Karen,

    Glad to see you post. I am happy to see that you are getting settled into your new home. Living close to work has its advantages, I should know I live only 5 minutes away. I run home for lunch all the time, (watch a soap during lunch). If I have left something at home I'm only a few moments away.

    Everyone teases me about me staying in 5 mile radius, my comfort zone.

    Best Wishes,


  4. TAnn,

    Really good news, except for the blood clot and those shots. Well that was good news too because they found it. Hopefully things will continue to improve.

    Best Wishes,


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