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Posts posted by lindseysmom

  1. Karen,

    My heart goes out to you. Please don't beat yourself up. I am sure you are doing the very best you can, and probally better than most. You are one of the most caring people on this board. So I know you are a wonderful caregiver. Connie is right you do need some time for yourself. It is not being selfish. You need to take care of yourself, so you can take care of your family.

    Best Wishes,


  2. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birhday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Cinnddyy, Happy Birthday to you. Better be glad you can't hear me. I can't cary a tune. HAVE A GREAT BIRTHDAY!!!

    Best Wishes,


  3. Hi Jim,

    I know you are glad to be getting a break. Glad to see that things are stable. I hope you have a really nice time fishing. I left work yesterday and picked up my four year old grandson took him to feed the ducks. There were a couple of guys there fishing. I didn't see them catching anything. A guy pulled up with a boat dropped it in the water. He started casting back to the shore. The guys on the shore was casting it out as far af they could. And they say women don't make sense! Go figure. Really, I like fishing also need to get a new license so I can take the little one. Well hope you catch a big one.

    Best Wishes,


  4. BC,

    I did the combo thing. I did really, really well with it. The treaments actually made me feel better. When I was first diagnoised I had pleurisy and pneumonia, and after my bronchoscopy I would cough continuosly and I mean continuosly. At times i could not even carry on a conversation with anyone. I had trouble having the CT's and PET scans done because of my coughing. Just remember everyone is different and everyone handles if differently.

    Best Wishes,


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