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Posts posted by lindseysmom

  1. I know I am a little late in posting this but just wanted to put my 2cents in. As Eveyone has said throw those numbers right out the window. They are outdated. The 25th of this month will be my three year mark. I feel great, and work everyday. If I had believed the statistics or what the drs. said, I would not be writing this now. I stayed positive and, I told myself everyday, I'm gonna beat this.

    Best Wishes,


  2. TAnn,

    I hope the meds will help with the pain and not knock you out. Well at least maybe it will help until the Alimta starts to work.

    Best Wishes,


  3. Hi Brandy,

    As Katie and others have written the message board takes time. I don't get on the computer at all during the weekends. This is a great board. First you need to find out what kind of cancer your dad has. Talk to your parents. Not knowing can be very scary. It gives your mind permission to play the what if game. Sometimes not knowing can be the worst.

    Best Wishes,


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