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Posts posted by lindseysmom

  1. It depends on whom I'm angry with.

    If I am at work, I pretty much keep it in. I do not like confrontation.

    If it is with my husband I can be kinda of crazy. Depending on how mad he has made me. Cuss and yell and then I'm over it.

    Best Wishes,


  2. Oh Dixie,

    I can tell by your post you are really hurting. I am sorry you are feeling so much pain and anger. I think the best response you received was from Kathi.

    Hate the Addiction but Love the Addict.

    I was a smoker and smoked for probally 30 years, since I was a kid. Even before that if you count those candy cigs. I smoked until the day I became sick. I then stopped cold turkey. It was really hard. There are times that I still would like a cigarette but can never and will never pick up another one.

    Best Wishes,


  3. Hello Dixie and Welcome to the board.

    I have NSCLC. I quit immediately. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done. Sometimes when the news was the worst is when I wanted a cigarette the most. There are still times I want one. And there are times I still reach for them. It has been a little over three years since I quit. Now do I think I would have done as well as I have if I had not quit? My opinion is NO.

    Just let your Dad know how much you love him.

    Best Wishes,


  4. Jim,

    Glad to see that you had a great time fishing.

    I could stand to lose about 20 pounds also. I keep telling myself that I may need that extra weight just in case. I know excuses, excuses.

    Best Wishes,


  5. Hey Don,

    That was really cute. I laughed out loud.

    OK, Here's mine. The first time I ever played spin the bottle. It was the first time I really kissed also. Well the bottled pointed at me, the boy leaned over,and he put his tongue in my mouth. I jumped backed and YELLED HE PUT HIS TONGUE IN MY MOUTH. Everyone laughed, boy was I was embrassed.

    Best Wishes,


  6. Kim,

    I am so sorry to read this. My heart goes out to you and your family. Sorry to see that your little fella is having a hard time. I know it brakes your heart to leave him. Hopefully in a day or two he will settle back down.

    Best Wishes,


  7. Hey Darci,

    As everyone has already said everyone is different, but with me I really did not have any major problems. I did lose my hair, which I knew beforehand. So when it started coming out I had my husband shave my head. I had the control that way and it did not bother me at all. I was a little tired. I did have joint pain. I had that for about one year after treatment. It did put me into menopause but I guess your FIL doesn't have to worry about that. I did not get sick at all. I was on Carbo/Taxol every week. At the end of the treament my blood counts where very low so I had to wait longer between treatments. I wish your FIL all the best. Tell your FIL its is normal to be a little frighten. Not knowning can be scary.

    Best Wishes,


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