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Posts posted by lindseysmom

  1. Hi everyone,

    Just received an email from my oncologist regarding my PET scan results. The PET shows that there is an area of uptake in the right lung and on the right chest wall. They cannot tell conclusively whether this is tumor, radiation or some other type of inflammation. The doctor went back to the CT scan done in February and could no see a corresponding area on the CT. The dr. asked me if I have had pneumonia, flu, or any sort of respiratory infection recently. Which I have not.

    So I have emailed my dr. back to see if there is any other test that could be done. I have also asked him to fax me the results. What other questions should I be asking? Have any of you had a PET scan that they could not tell what is going on?

    Best wishes,


  2. Karen,

    Can't the Dr. order anything for that. I remember when I was taking chemo my platlet counts were low. My oncologist gave me a shot a couple of times to help bring my count back up. There were also several times they did nothing. I think it is very wise of you to put a call in to talk with the doctor.

    Best Wishes,


  3. Hi Dave & Karen,

    Hope you have a wonderful trip. I know you both deserve it. Dave, hopefully those platlets counts will be back where they belong next week so you can get your chemo. Also hoping that the vitamins you are taking now will help with those cramps.

    Best Wishes,


  4. Hi Mike and welcome,

    Sorry to read that the monster is back. Hope you do well with the new treatment. And I must say WOW 5 MILES ADAY. You are a FIGHTER.

    Best Wishes,


  5. Hi bbw1,

    I can't offer any help with the topotecan question. But you have certainly found the right place. There are some very caring and knowledgeable people here. Glad to see that your scans are stable.

    Best Wishes,


  6. Hi Beth,

    Glad you are doing well with the treatment, besides the fat eye lids. I have gotten so fat I have bought larger clothes and now I'm coming out of them. I can't blame it on any steroids.

    It sounds like a good idea on the PET scan. I have one scheduled for next Wednesday. My CT showed some change two weeks ago, hoping its nothing, probally just radiation change.

    Stay positive and FIGHT,FIGHT,FIGHT.

    Best Wishes,


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