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Posts posted by lindseysmom

  1. Hi everyone, can I join? I really never had a problem with weight until I had chemo. I have grown so much that I had to buy larger clothes and now they are getting tight. All I want to do is eat, especially sweets.

    Andrea and Denise keep up the good work!!!

    Best wishes,


  2. Hi Cindi,

    Sorry to see that you are feeling poorly. Hopefully you will start to feel better soon. Just try to keep the fluids flowing. You must have been one of the unluckly ones that didn't get a flu shot. I got mine through a drive-thru clinic, took 5 hours, but it was worth it.

    Best wishes,


  3. Great Picture!!! The digital camera's are wonderful. I bought one of my 17 year old last year and one this year for my 27 year old, and myself since I didn't have one. Keep on taking the pictures.

    Best Wishes,


  4. Maryanne,

    Is he running a fever? I know that a fever can sometimes make you feel weak and also can affect your apppetite. Glad to see you have a call into the doctor. Hopefully they can order him something to make him feel better.

    Best wishes,


  5. Ry,

    What wonderful news!!! Stable is wonderful!!! Hopefully John will do as well as with the Tarceva as he did with Iressa. Guess I have a little of Jack Benny in me also, I would probally finish up with the Iressa too.

    Best Wishes,


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