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Posts posted by lindseysmom

  1. Rob,

    When I was first diagnosed I did research on the internet. I read everything on the staging of the disease and the statistics. It was not a pretty picture. When I first met with my onc. he came out and told me without me asking. You have stage 111b lung cancer you will not be here in two years. Guess what he was wrong!!! I am stable, feel wonderful, and doing great, and getting fat as a pig. So statistics are not everything.

    I hope this helps a little.

    Best wishes,


  2. TAnn,

    I have never had whole brain radiation and still have short term memory problems. Just talked with my doctor several months ago because I was worried. I was telling my doctor I had forgotten the way to her office that morning. She did a head ct just to be sure and everything was ok, and it was. I also saw the report about having one drink a day. Maybe I need to start too.

    Best Wishes,


  3. Hi Tami,

    Hopefully they will show this again. Would love to watch it and tape it. I would love for my daughter to see it. She and her husband still smoke. They have four little boys. I have told her several times that she should stop smoking for herself and the boys but all she ever says is she knows.

    Best Wishes,


  4. Hey Beth,

    Sorry you are having a bad time again. You may want to try (well get ready for the name)- Udder Butter- Walmart carries it and it is very reasonable. It was originally made for cows. My husband swears by it. He has very,very dry skin. Hope this helps.

    Best wishes,


  5. Hi Di,

    Had my first chemo treamtent in November of 2002 mine was very light in December and then did not have another one unitl last month. And then I had one for about two and half weeks. My doctors did not tell me that this could happen. I told my doctors that God had a weird sense of humor to put me through the cancer treatments and the menopause at the same time. The hot flashes were the worst. My husband thought I was going crazy at times. I would be pulling off my shirt and bandana and a few minutes later I would be putting it back on because I was freezing. I quickly realized that the best clothes to wear around the house were a buttoned pajama shirt over a tank top, never buttoning up the shirt so it could be removed quickly. Hope this helps.

    Best wishes,


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