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Posts posted by Melinda

  1. (((GAIL)))

    My mom has been right where you are (twice)--and still is alive and nagging. :)

    You're doing all the right things--getting the tests (facts) and then taking it from there.

    I know you know all of this. I know it is still enough to scare the stuffing out of ya.

    You are in our thoughts and prayers. The 8th, 9th, and 11th are your days.

    May this pass quickly and uneventfully.

    Melinda (and Geoff)

  2. As I thought, the wonderful Pulmonologist I see just cut through it all and made some sense - finally!

    Bottom line? I have something -- he thinks scarring -- at the site of the original tumor.

    I can't officially invoke the spirit of NED, but I have every reason to believe that things are looking good. I will make the Rad. Onc. appointment ASAP and see where we go from there. I sure feel better now that I've seen the really good doc!!!


    Happy to read your post and praying for scarring!!! :) :)

    So glad you are feeling better, as well. That makes such a difference.

    All the best,

    Melinda (and Geoff)

  3. The results are in, the nodules are starting to shrink again. Everything else is stable and looks good. Asked my doctor how it looks (my situation) on a scale of 1 to 10 and she said it's an 8, I'm doing great and have come a long way.


    I'm sorry I'm late to this thread; I haven't been on the board.

    I am THRILLED to read "shrink", "stable", "looks good", and "doing great"!


    May you continue on this wonderful path for a long time to come.

    Melinda (and Geoff)

  4. Karen--

    I haven't been on the board in a while--so I just saw this thread. Forgive me for the tardy reply.

    Along with everyone else, I am rooting for a break for you and your family. It's always exponentially harder to fight a war on more than one front.

    Glad to read about your dad and that everyone got to see the leaves for at least a day.

    You are in our thoughts and prayers every day--whether we are on the board or not.

    Melinda (and Geoff)

  5. I came to the board to escape the horror that I am seeing on my TV screen right now. I am beside myself--I had so fervently hoped I would never see the day in my lifetime when... :(:evil::( This is the ONE thing in sports that I really care about.

    I am hoping for a miracle for my dear Yankees--as are all other faithful fans.

  6. All the lymph nodes they removed from my sister are clear. Her entire left breast did contain cancer though. They said if it were even a few weeks later it could have gotten to the nodes but they were clear today.


    This is FABULOUS news!!! I know it seems bittersweet right now--seeing it IS a shock (even when it is not your own body) and the expanders stink--but clear lymph nodes!!!!!!!!. Invest in a good compression bra and keep everything clean/sterile.

    PM me if you want. Just tell your sister that my mom made it through all this junk and is now traveling around Peru.

    Clear lymph nodes!!!! :D:D:D

    I am so happy for you and your sister---I am actually going to do a happy dance around the room!



  7. Nell--

    Prayers are being said for Bob. I can only hope that his current situation improves and that it is not comounded with additional stressful events (such as losing files, films, etc.).


  8. Bruce--

    I have no insight--but wanted you to know that I am thinking of you.

    May your polyp be only a polyp--and a reasonable (and non-scary) explaination be found regarding your "lost" blood.

    Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

    Melinda and Geoff

  9. Now, they've sent me a bill for $175.00 disconnect charge because I cancelled Robert's serivce before the contract was up. I called and got a smug young man on the phone. He was awful. After I argued with him about this he said I'd need to send in the death certificate again. I said, well, after dealing with you, what will happen if I just cancel everything since you don't really recognize me as a customer? He said, "well, we won't go after you per se, we'll go after your husband's estate. He was such a as-. I repeated my request to speak to a supervisor. By that time I'm sure I sounded like a hysterical woman - crying and not being able to talk.


    How awful--I really don't understand. What that man said is just unacceptable. I am extremely sorry you were subjected to such treatment by such a lout. :cry:

    I hope you never have to go through anything remotely like that again.


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