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Posts posted by ronvrens

  1. Four years ago I was with Pat in the hospital. We knew things were not going well but Pat still smiled at everyone. I said goodbye at about half past ten and went home for some rest. Just after midnight I received the news of her passing. My world ended that night.

    I have since picked up the pieces and carried on. I think one of the things that has kept me going is being sent out of South Africa and I am now working in Ghana.

    The longing is still there. When I go home to South Africa and my home is empty the loneliness hits hard.

    I know I remember the good times we had and know she is waiting for me.

    Miss her so much

    Thanks to everyone for always being there for me


  2. Hi Leslie

    I am glad that you are doing a wildlife photo trip to South Africa. Its a very beautiful country with lots of nature reserves and game parks that can be visited. Dont expect wild animals to be walking around the local neighbourhood as those times are long gone. The Kruger National Park is one of the favourites and given a few days you will probably see most of the more common animals. I love to look for the less interesting and watch their antics. There are also many bird species to see. Word of warning if you are going there remember its a malaria area and you must take precautions.

    At preseny I am working in Ghana which is part of West Africa. I am working in the capital city Accra where we are building a shopping mall. Not too much wildlife here but inland in the jungle areas there are still a few animals.

    Let me know how your trip goes


  3. Its Pats birthday today. Would have been 58 years young. She always remembered everyones birthday and each one was special. Had a call from Daughter Michelle this morning. She is also feeling down, said she wished she could just phone and say Happy Birthday.

    Thats the same kind of feeling I get most days when I long just to be able to share something with her. Cancer took that away from me. I know she is up in heaven watching down on her family she so loved.

    Happy Birthday Pat.

  4. Its now 3 lonely years since Pat so suddenly left without a last goodbye. Her cancer ravaged body could take no more and the Lord said enough and took her to heaven to be with him pain and sickness free.

    Time has eased the rough edges of the wound but it has not gone away. Think about her everydayand a tear still falls when i look at some of the photos.

    Being alone most of the time here in Ghana doesnt always make things easier. All the other chaps are just work friends and nit easy to confide in them when things are hurting.

    I know I havent posted for some time. its not that I dont care for the loving group of people here but working hours are long and theres not much off time. I will try and keep everyone posted on the doings of the past months

    Love you all and thanks for always being there.


    From the jungles of Ghana

  5. Well who would have guessed that I would survive the year here in deepest darkest Africa.

    With everything being so different from what I am used to at home in South Africa.

    Last year this time I was still wandering around bewildered at the difference. Few tarred highways and those roads that are tarred are full of potholes. Small villages along every road with the local merchants trying to make a living which ever way they can offering goods and services.

    The most uncontrolled traffic I have ever seen but surprising few accidents.

    Weather is hot and humid. Last year the heavens opened up every day with falls of around 50 mm being common.

    I started out at Akyem site and then moved to Ahafo for a few months. Now back at Akyem.

    Our company WBHO construction is part of the contract building a new gold mine complex for the American company Newmont. We will be finishing our present contract in April next year but this could be extended.

    I get to go home every 10 weeks for 14 days of hectic bussiness and socialising. Sometimes its good returning to Ghana for a rest.

    Thats just a little account of the past 12 months

    Thanks once again for your thoughts and well wishes.

    To all those still fighting this terrible disease I wish you strength.


  6. 7th July 1955. The day Pat was born.

    Taken so suddenly by lung cancer at the age of only 55.

    Its the second birthday without her and it still hurts deep inside as she was a very sentimental person when it came to birthdays and anniversaries.

    Pat have a beautiful birthday up in heaven watching over me.

  7. Hello All.

    So sorry to hear and see that the 4th July celebrations did not go so well for some what with the fires and storms with no power.

    Just a bit of news from my side of the world for the last few months.

    I expected to be in Ghana for Christmas but the company surprised us all and sent us home. Had a wonderful time with the family and then it was back to the jungle.

    Just before the Christmas break I was sent to another site also in Ghana to supervise the safety for an important contract at an already established mine. Wasnt very happy there as I clashed with the management from day one about their lack ofbasic safety standards. This went on the full 5 months I was there until I asked to return to the first site where I now find myself.

    A lot of changes have taken place some for the better and some not so.

    For the last few days been suffering from some sort of vertigo problem, layabrinthtitis that has found me spending a night in a local hospital. Not the sort of place you want to spend the night, no blankets or pillows. These were brought by workmates.

    On medication but it takes a while to work and as I have to drive and be alert its not easy so I have been confined to barracks for another few days.

    On Saturday its Pats birthday. Feel sad as I always y=used to "forget it" and surprise her later in the day.

    My next visit home is 10 August, just in time to celebrate the two wonderful daughters Michelle and Brendas birthdays.

    Will post again


  8. Tomorrow 2 years ago Pat suddenly left without any last goodbyes, a last kiss like we always had before we parted. She could just take no more and stepped into the peace and calm of heaven where she was suddenly pain free.

    Its been a difficult time in many ways without her but I always try and remember the good times we had and enjoyed as a family.

    The say time heals. Yes the raw wound is gone but there remains the scarring that will always be with me.

    My lady friend Erica has helped me through many dark moments and I appreciate her caring and understanding.

    The children have also been a pillar of strength and support.

    Thank you to everyone who still thinks about me. i dont have many opportunities to correspond as our communications are not always reliable here in Ghana.


  9. MJB

    Thanks for the comments. Yes it gets to you and somehow theres not always someone just to share the pain wit. Please be strong and maybe someday you will be able to look back and although it will always hurt see the wonderful family and friends that helped you through the toughest times.

    Christmas and new year were a hive of activity. I left the site in Ghana on Friday 23 December and after a long drive arrived at the first airport. Did the bussiness of getting to the departure lounge and waited. The flight of about 1 hour was uneventful and we landed in Accra at about 15h00. off to the office and a quick clean up and meal and then it was time to return to Kotoka airport and wait for the flight to Johannesburg. Flight left at 23h30 and after a long tiring 6 hours we landed at 07h30. Erica was there to meet me an it was wonderful to once again look forward to coming home. We didnt go to my home in Durban as it would have meant 2 days wasted travelling.

    The 24th was a mad rush buying last minute presents and things but we managed.

    My two daughters Michelle and Brenda came over for Christmas lunch and we had a wonderful time.

    The rest of the week went too quickly. I met and spoiled my granddaughter on the Thursday and then it was New Year.

    On Monday 2 January 2012 I set off for the airport and at 17h30 departed for Accra. Arrived 2130 local time and went to a hotel for the night. the following day flew to Komasi the closest airport to the site. Three hours later back at the site and home from home.

    Had a wonderful time with Erica. She has been such a pillar of strength in the times I have needed support.

    I wish everyone a blessed new year. Let us all go forward with new hope no matter how dark the clouds of depair may seem.

    Our loved ones we have lost will always be in out thoughts no matter what.

    Love you all


  10. Thanks everyone for the support during the past months. You have been a true inspiration to me and helped me over difficult periods.

    I will be thinking of you all over the Christmas and new year period.

    May we all find peace and happiness thriugh our grief


  11. Hi everyone.

    Thanks for the kind comments and help.

    During my 2 week break from Ghana back to South Africa I spent some time with my new friend. The understanding she showed when I felt down and the support was so wonderful. She understands what its like and told me that it took 5 years before she could go a day without thinking of her husband.

    She has said that she is not there to take Pats place ever but to be a totally new companion in my life

    She talks openly about her late husband and Pat and this helps ease the pain.

    I will be seeing her over the Christmas period when we will all return home for the 10 days. Part of the time will be with the girls and some with her. I dont think I could take being completely alone during the time that was so dear to Pat.

    Thanks again


  12. When you are surounded by family, friends and work friends you tend to forget the pain. Every one thinks you are ok and coping. Be alone for a while especially where you were the happiest then the pain and lonliness hits hard.

    The past two days have been very hard to take. Constantly thinking about Pat and this home where we were happiest.

    Anyone who thinks that because I have a new lady friend Pat is forgotton. How wrong they are. Erica cannot replace Pat. She is a totally different person and a new part of my life. She at least can relate to my feelings as she lost her husband years ago.

    Thanks to all those that understand. Losing someone you have loved for so long is the worst thing that happens in your life.


  13. Well one week to go here in Ghana and then off home for two weeks. I will be so happy to be back as I miss my family and friends. I have been moved from one site to another and now have to make new friends and get used to the new place and routine.

    Lots to do when I arrive back in South Africa. i will be met in Johannesburg by my daughter and my ladyfriend Erica. Wait for the connecting flight to Durban and get home to see how everything is. Lots to do. Must visit doctors and dentist and get all the supplies I need to bring back with me.

    On Friday morning I fly up to johannesburg and Erica and I leave for our holiday destination. Hopefully this time will decide if we are suited for each other and can really have a good relationship or not. I know it could never be the same as with my first love and wife but I do not want to compare.

    On The next Tuesday we return to Johannesburg and I fly back to Durban. Do some more chores and on Friday back to Johannesburg for a weekend with the children. On Sunday back to Durban for the final odds and ends and on Tuesday Fly out to Johannesburg and Ghana.

    All in all a busy time but I hope enjoyable. The next visit home will be for a week over the Christmas time and then believe it or not work for about 6 weeks and back home for 2 weeks. Then its 10 weeks here and 2 at home.

    Well thats the news from my side

    Go well all


  14. Yhank you everyone for the great comments. Firstly the whole family are aware of our relationship and the kids are thrilled as they know her. The only thing that will make it difficult is me being away for 10 weeks at a time

    We eill start our relationship as two independant people and when the time is right we will make a decision for the future

    Thank so much

    Love you all


  15. Is it too soon

    I have started a relationship with an old friend of mine. She lost her husband 8 years ago and we just happened to once again start corresponding.\What was just chattibg has escelated into a deep friendship. We will be going away for a weekend and will decide from there what we want and if we are suited for each other. I know that I said there will never be anyone else but the lonliness has become unbearable and I think this friend has something in common as she is also a widow.

    I will never forget Pat and she will always be a part of my life.

    Thanks for listening. We are all in the same situation and sometimes need a word of encouragement.

    Love you all for being there when the burden is the greatest

  16. Hi there from the hot and humid Ghana

    Ive been here a week and already strugling with the heat . We are forced to wear jeans and believe it or not long sleeved shirts.

    I am working on a mining construction site and have bee seconded here by my South African company.I thought it would take my mind off the lonliness and longing for Pat but here its just as lonely as everyone is tired at the end of the day and not much time for socialising.

    I am glad in a way after a disasterous relationship which had me full of hope but went wrong.

    Anyway just thought I would share some news

    Bye for now


  17. Hi all from Ghana.

    Well my company has decided to transfer me to Ghana fof an unknown time. this comes at at just the right time due to a relationship that did not work out and was becoming a bit nasty.

    This has made me realise one thing. Pat never let me down and supported me in my carreer. I now realise what a wonderful wife and friend i had in Pat and I now miss her so much.

    There is going to be a number of adjustments in my life as we are in a secluded area in Ghana but the company cares well for us

    I will be here for 10 weeks and then at home for 2 weeks

    Here are a few pictures of the accomadation camp where we stay. I will update as time goes bye

    Thanks to everyone for the continued support





  18. Hello All from South Africa

    Warm during the day but freezing at night.

    On Saturday we did a heavy lift of a bridge with a very large crane. Went well and its another step closer to completion. I have been told that I might go to Ghana for my next job so lets see.

    Hope you all saw the photo of the snow posted last week

    Bye for now



  19. Good day all

    Had a very mixed bag of weather this last week. From almost summer to very cold then snow more cold with icy wind back to summer type weather all in one week.

    we also had a very large crane lift and that was delayed for a week due to some technical problems and the weather.

    heres a picture of the snow. Will post more and some of the crane lift.

    Bye for now



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