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Posts posted by bumbinokid

  1. So I don't really know where else to go to let this out but here. I have very big family from aunt's uncles and cousins they are all supporting me and are always here for me, My best friend who has been living with me and by my side 24/7 since my mom passed away left and went back home ( he only lives about 15 min away) I'm so bummed and sad by this i've grown so attached to him hes become my comfort zone. i even asked him to move with with me and my dad. I feel real lonely and sad and I can't not explain it but i hate being alone now esp at night time. I don't know what to do it's times like this I really wish i was not a only child = \

  2. Thank You all for the comments they really do help! I wanted to give you all a update on my dad. We went in yesterday to do his chemo and also a CT scan to see how things are. We got some great news from the doctor! he said my dad's liver, kidney and white blood cells are all perfect he also said the cancer is not active and that it is stable!...I feel like this is great news which I really needed right now. Thank you god and also thank you mom for watching over us from up there you are extremely missed! i LOVE YOU!

  3. Hey guys I wanted to give you all update A LOT has happened since I last posted. My dad is doing good so far were currently going to cancer treatment center of America hes doing what the doctor is calling "maintenance chemo" doctor said chemo is working and my dads responding very well the doctor was shocked at how well my father was reacting with the chemo. On another note On August 8th my mother came into my room woke me up she ended up having a heart attack in my bedroom right in front of me and passed away. My mom and me were not just son and mother she was my life my best friend, everything I did I did with her we were always together and to lose her like that in front of my eyes on top of all this stress I have with my dad having lung cancer. I cannot explain to you all what im going through and feeling. Everything is on me now taking care of my dad taking him to the doctors, all the bills taking care of the house, the car and now my sick dad. I feel so lost and empty without my mother I feel like when she passed away she took my heart with her and I feel so empty inside. I do not understand why god needed to take her from me now when I needed her the most now to help with my dad. I'm sorry for this long letter I just needed to vent out to anyone who reads this.

  4. Hey guys I have quick question I have been reading a lot and looking into things since my dad diagnose. Have any of you heard of IPT? (Insulin Potentiation Therapy) I've read up on this and it seems interesting I wanted to know what your thoughts on this is. By the way my dad is still the same there has been no changes since his 2 chemo treatments so thats good news! hes going in on May 25th and 26th i'll keep you guys posted on that and let you know how he is doing! I wanted to thank you all again this place really does help me and makes me feel so much again from the bottom of my heart I thank you all!

  5. Hey Guys just wanted to give update so my dad had his first round of chemo yesterday and when he came home he was more hyper than ever he said he felt great. So I got paper from the doctor saying what my dad has. I don't speak the doctor language so i figured i'd type it on here and maybe you all can help me with what it is. Heres what it says...

    Diagnosed with stage IV NSCLC the ot had mediastinocopy and the pathology was read as Metastatic adenocarcinoma the PET scan showed multiple bilateral lung nodules with increased uptake on the R supraclavicular; R subpectoral; multiple R paratracheal; bilateral hilar;subcarinal;precranial; and prevesicular lymph nodes.

    I'm not stupid but all that makes me feel stupid because i do not understand anything so please some input even positive input would be great

    thank you!

  6. Hello to all my dad was recently diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. The doctor didn't give him a time line of how long he has he just told him not worry and that he is in good hands. He's getting ready to do 6 sessions of Chemo that start next Wed. Hes going to do 3 and there going to do some scans see if its working and do 3 more. He hasn't even started and this has taken a toll on me I'm always positive in front of him i dont show that im worried. I'm an only child and live with my mom and dad. I have huge family from aunts to uncles to cousins were all very close. But me and my parents have always been together we do everything together they are my parents yet also my best friends. I can't explain in words how much my father means to me I honestly do not know what i would do without him in my life. He is one of the strongest people I know and I know he can fight this. Its just I do not know how to handle this I feel like im going crazy I just need some support.

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