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Posts posted by Geri


    This is Geri's husband writing to let you all know that she passed away peacefully in her sleep Tuesday last. LC was not the cause but the chemo that she had for breast cancer significantly damaged her heart.

    I know that she made a lot of friends both on the site and in real life through the site, and was able to find the cofounder of the Boston lung cancer walk that way. The walk is her legacy and I am very proud of what she achieved.

    She is a prime example of lung cancer being defeated, and she has given strength to a lot of people by demonstrating that.

    My best to all.



  1. What a lovely surprise, it's so good to see you again and you look even more beautiful than I remember.

    Your grandson is so cute, I too have new grandsons, one is only 5 days old and his brother is 2 1/2, fun aren't they. I'm Glad you stopped by, we "oldies" have a history all our own.

    Take care


  2. 10 years ago I had the most timely dose of pneumonia, because of this small cell lung cancer was discovered on the first xray and the tests began. I won't bore you with those details -- you all are familar with them!

    The night before Thanksgiving I was sent home with appointments set for the next week and a boat load of very strong drugs to ease the pain.

    So began my journey through the haze and exhaustion, but a PET scan 6 months later was NED, and now it's 10 years later and lung cancer seems so long ago. Not so long as to be forgotten but way back in my memories.

    My wish is for every one of us to have hope and maybe this will be your inspiration.



    Congratulations on all seven years, thank you for being my friend. I'm thrilled for you.

    love to you and Fred,


    P.S.Thank you for staying away!!! Explain that will you - I'm doing this with left hand only.

  3. Oh Judy, I'm so sorry you're being put through the wringer like this.

    I don't know why the makers of all these "wonder drugs" can't do anything about the side effects. I take 16 different drugs daily, several of them to counteract the side effects of the drugs that I really need.

    I guess that's the price we have to pay - some days it's too way expensive and I have a pity party, anytime you want to join me feel free to let me know. :lol:

    I wish I had the solution for your physical problems and could stop you second guessing yourself. Rest assured that you're not alone in that department, I think it's something we all do at times, we wonder whether it's worth all the crap that comes our way........would it be different if we had done something else........... it probably wouldn't.

    I bought myself a new placque which makes me smile when it all seems overwhelming - "Now put on your big girl panties and deal with it" - hard to do at times but know we're all behind you, understanding and feeling your feelings too.

    Take care


  4. I'm sorry you're having to deal with again. I have a some very choice words I would use but they'll only be edited out :oops:

    So just know that I'm thinking of you and hoping for the very best.

    Take care


  5. Hi Dave, sorry to welcome you here but glad you found us.

    I was dx with limited sclc (in my lower left lobe) in November 2001, chemo and radiation took care of everything and I haad a clear PET in May 2002.

    Take it all one day at a time and stay with me on the green side of the sod.

    Nice to meet you.


  6. Dear Val,

    You have every right to ask us to pray for you...........think how many times you've prayed and worried for us.

    Let us take the load and you concentrate on your recovery, You have my thoughts and prayers.


  7. Oh Maryanne I'm so happy for you and Joel. We've been there and the relief is wonderful isn't it.

    It may not be the New Year yet but you've given me a smile for the end of 2010 that will last through 2011.

    Happy New Year my friend, go celebrate!


  8. What a wonderful Christmas you wil be having, celebrating 3 yrs at this time year seems even more special. If your Mom ever needs encouragement I passed the nine year mark at Thanksgiving so, for me, sclc seems a lifetime ago.

    Go celebrate :D:D


  9. Rochelle you're a freaking genius! The hell with the beer, it's been one of those days so I'll just take that very large bottle (new one too!) of Bailey's from our fridge and I'll do a BYOB and meet you there.

    Are you joining us Kasey? I'll share my Bailey's as long as I can drink from the bottle with a very long straw and everyone else has a very small glass!! :lol::lol:

    Is this happening soon..........I have a walk meeting to go to tonight!

    Now for a shameless plug - Boston Lung Cancer Walk, November 6th, Castle Island, South Boston.

    Thank you Kasey for allowing me to plug our walk. :oops:

    I love you kiddo.


  10. Well, I'll be durned.......it's that woman who took us to Intercourse, PA !!

    Richard has tried to make the grilled lettuce wedge salad he enjoyed so much but it just tastes like semi burned lettuce! We'll have to go there again and take more notice of his plate next time.

    So good to hear from you, six years - wow :D:D

    Congratulations my friend, here's to many more.


  11. NED fits into all styles of dress, house decorations, car colors etc.......he is just so right where ever he is. Wonderful news that he's in your life, now about that doctor...........



  12. You're all right. the LVAD is keeping me alive.........I just have to remember not to change both batteries at the same time :roll::roll::lol::lol:

    I have just had my pace maker checked today and it's working just dandy thank you very much. Aparently it's worked a few times and I didn't even have a clue :oops::D

    All in all I'm very lucky, I literally have a new life ahead of me and I aim to enjoy it!


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