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Everything posted by MayFrog

  1. Thank you all for your warm welcomes and words of support! It's wonderful to know there are others out there fighting this nasty beast....and winning!! Bless you all, Mary
  2. Thank you all for your warm welcomes!! I know I'm in good company while fighting this nasty beast! Bless you all, Mary
  3. Hi, my name is Mary and I'm a 45 y.o. mother of 4 who was just diagnosed in Mid-April with extensive SCLC with mets to the liver and adrenal gland. I had been having some shortness of breath and wheezing for about a month or so and was finally scared enough to go the ER to have it checked out (plus, I just happened to be at the hospital with my mom for a post-op check-up, and figured what the heck!). Well, an X-ray led to a CT scan, which led to me being admitted to r/o cancer. I had a liver biopsy (needle) done which confirmed the diagnosis of SCLC. That was on a Thursday, and I started my first 3 day cycle of chemo (VP-16 & Cisplatin) that Monday. I'm having 21-day cycles with bloodtests in between. My next 3-day course will begin the 10th Well, talk about your world changing in a heartbeat! So far, the side-effects of chemo haven't been bad: some nausea and vomiting and fatigue, and I know it can get worse as the treatment progresses. The hardest part so far was telling my family and friends....especially my kids. My mom was with me when the presumptive dx of cancer was made, and she took it really bad at first, but has gotten quite better about it. My hubby was devastated, but puts on a good front...I make sure I talk to him a lot. The worst thing was telling my kids. My two youngest (12 & 14) are still at home; I just told them the basics and that the chemo was really powerful medicine to try and kill off the cancer, but that it could also make me really sick for a time. They took it pretty well. I think if they see that I'm upbeat and not being scared, they'll be OK. My 19 y.o. was pretty good, too...but more concerned about long term. My 21 yo is in the Navy, and right now is in Chicago taking classes to be a Corpsman (medic)...he knew something was wrong when I was in the hospital for so long, but I waited til I was home before I told him (I just felt more comfortable). Sorry to ramble so much....I really wanted to say how much I enjoyed browsing this board.....the caring and concern is just so wonderful here!! You all seem like very special people, and I'm glad I found you! I, too, have never believed in "statistics"....they cause more harm than good if you really think of it. We aren't numbers....we're wives and husbands and sisters and brothers and mothers and fathers and children!! I know this post is a bit dis-jointed....please forgive me. I haven't really opened up to anyone about this whole "mess".....and I keep hopping from one thing to another.....bear with me....I really am coherent (most of the time, anyway....hahaha). Anyway.....thanks again for being here. I plan to visit often....If i can help anyone in any way deal with their own version of this "mess", i will!! Looking forward to talking with you all........Mary
  4. Just wanted to say a quick hello.....I am newly diagnosed with SCLC and am so glad I found this site! I've browsed about a little bit and I can feel all the positive energy just flowing out from my monitor! Most of the posters here seem to feel the way I do.....that cancer is a very "individual" disease, and that statistics are only numbers on a piece of paper. I tend to think they do more harm than good, actually. I've just completed cycle one of my chemo, feel good and am ready to take whatever they throw at me. I love my group of oncologists...feel very comfortable with them and I think that's a big plus. My family is great, my friends are fantastic.... I know I've got a long road to travel with my bumps and potholes....not a cake walk by any means. So, thanks for being here....it really helps to know there are so many people out there who really understand....hope to talk to all of you soon... Mary
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