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Posts posted by Addie

  1. Troy...

    It would really be helpful if you would post a bio for your mom, like most of us have at the end of our post. Like when she was diagnosed, what type of l.c. she has, treatments she's had and when, etc.

    It's very difficult to answer this question...because there isn't enough info. But all by itself, two days of brain radiation only should not be causing any symptoms. If she's having the radiation because of brain mets (and not as preventative radiation) then the mets may be causing some of her symptoms. So, too, could chemo.

    If you'll fill in a bio for your mom it will be very helpful. I just completed 13 days of brain radiation AND I'm undergoing chemo too...so I'm tired and my balance is a bit off...but nobody's told me yet that I'm out in left field. :wink:

    Perhaps a good chat w/ your mom's oncologist will clear up some of your questions?

  2. Q: What do you like to do when the lights go out?

    Personally, I like to b*tch about the power company as I wait on their automated system to report the outage. :roll:

    Then, I really enjoy bashing the helloutta my shin stumbling across the kitchen looking for a flashlight. :roll:

    Ann, glad you're safe and sound and got YOUR power back on!

  3. Oh, Pat honey....

    I'm sorry Brian didn't have the strength to really enjoy this wedding trip....but I'm glad he was at least able to make it to the wedding. You, too.

    I will hope that now that you're home, he might rally a bit...feel a little better, stronger. Do keep us advised as to how he's doing.

    Know that we all hold you gently in our hearts...hoping for some better news now that you're back home.

  4. Joyce...

    My deepest sympathies and Godspeed to Steve. It sounds as though there was some laughter right up to the end...and then a very peaceful passing. As you retell it, I don't know that it could have been scripted any better.

    I know the weeks and months ahead will be a hard adjustment...but you're strong, and you'll remain so, being a source of stability for your kids.

    I genuinely hope you find a way to inject a little Led Zeppelin into Steve's service...as I have a feeling he'll be expecting that. :wink:

    Lean on us whenever you need to...you're an important part of the lchelp family.

    Again...my sincere condolences.

  5. I just had tx for a "head full" of brain mets. "More than a dozen" was all they said. All that is left now, is the two largest that were pretty small even in the beginning...and the radiation continues to work for a while so I'm hopeful that these two are ALSO on their way out.

    It's pretty scary, I'll admit...but treatable and I really didn't have much problem with side effects. A little short term memory issue and some minor balance problems....but I tend to be a klutz anyway. :roll:

    A brain MRI will more clearly define what your mom is dealing with....and radiation is the first line of defense. Good luck and let us know how things go...but tell your mom, the radiation is really nothing to be worried about. Getting rid of the mets is what matters!

  6. Hey, Don....sounds like you've got your own Warrior Princess...huh? Maybe Lucie should change her name to Xena? :wink:8)

    Congrats on the great report...but then, it's no less than what we've come to expect from Lucie. Keep it up, Lucie dear....you inspire us all, every time!

  7. You know, it must be the Bud Lite. Maybe I'm drinking the wrong thing...eh? (Although I do make this quick bread recipe fairly often that calls for a can of beer and I ALWAYS use Bud Lite in your honor, Frank! :wink: )

    What a fabulous report. I'm so pleased for you...and even more so that you're feeling good and staying active. Keep it up, Frank. There's a lot of Bud Lite out there waiting for you.... :roll::D

  8. They've grown. Largest one is back up to 4 cm, as big as the biggest one was when they were first found in February. The topotecan isn't working anymore...so as of Oct. 31st, I start on Taxotere.

    The good news is, there are no NEW tumors. Still just the four that were there (as far as can be seen, anyway) and nothing anywhere else that they can see (ie: gall bladder, pancreas, other parts of the gut all look clean).

    So...it's another "drop back and punt" and now I'll go in for treatment once a week. I can't remember what my onc said about how long tx lasts...but will find out, unless one of you can tell me.

    Any input on anything re: Taxotere?

    I'm okay. Kinda takes a little wind out of one's sails whenever there is a progression...but as I always say, As long as there is a game plan...I'm on it.

    When I run out of game plans...well....we'll worrry about that later.

    Much later, I hope.

  9. So thanks for all the PM's, prayers, support offered. I agree with Pat about the power on this site!

    Well, Duh...little Missy!! :roll: (Did that sound like John Wayne??? :D )

    Aw, Kasey...you don't have to say thanks...it's what we do around here and I'm delighted to hear that ol' Fred is still stable!! I keep hearing...that we can live a loooooong time on stable.

    I'm expecting to hear it again myself, later today...which would mean I've been stable since April, after the first three cycles of chemo for my liver/pancreas. Topotecan continues to work for me...thank goodness.

    But I digress: stable is a good thing, whether it's nodules, tumors or the state of one's gastro-intestional tract, ya know what I mean? :wink:

    Give Fred a high five from me and the two of you get your fannies over the Cin's Pub and we'll hoist a couple...ok? Great news!

  10. Alf. 'Nuff said. :D

    I too, really enjoy Two and a Half Men. The kid is hilarious. Great comic delivery for a kid.

    From the old days, I really loved WKRP in Cincinnati, too....and as I went to high school with Sally Struthers, how could I not say, All in the Family?

    I do enjoy sit coms...a lot. It's a half hour of silliness in most cases...and I like to laugh.

    Taxi was another good one, Everybody loves Raymond...Mash...I even used to enjoy Three's Company!!

    Aw, hell...I just like to watch t.v. in the evening...although anymore, it's more reality shows. :roll:

  11. Losing a pet is like losing a family member. There is no shame in the grieving of a pet who leaves us. I have been there many times over the years.

    These things seem to come in multiples....the bad news. I've come to almost expect that when one bad thing happens....another one or two is sure to follow. That doesn't, however, make them any easier to cope with.

    I'm so sorry about your cat...but your vet is absolutely right...sometimes the decision to let a beloved pet go, is the ultimate gift we can give...the ultimate kindness for their years of devotion.

    I have four little tins in my closet that hold the cremains of Jeep, Sadie, Murphey and Bobo. They will go with me when I go. Four of the best dogs ever...and I just couldn't scatter their ashes. Somehow it felt wrong. It feels much more right to have them travel with me when I go.

    I'm so sorry Kathi...but I know, after 17 yrs, you have lots of great memories of your cat.

    My best wishes to your FIL. Hang in there, honey.

  12. Am about to take my last sips of coffee. Have to stop eating/drinking 4 hrs. ahead of the scan, you know. I'm well fortified, though, with banana and a gooey cinnamon roll.

    You know, about this housecleaning thing...I think THAT might be the true sickness...eh? I did none of it yesterday. Well...okay, I put away some clean laundry...but that doesn't count, does it? :roll:

    There is still enough dog hair floating in this house that if I had a spinning wheel, I could become a bald Rapunzel (is that an oxymoron?? :? ) and whip you all up a nice shawl for this winter!

    Gotta go take my morning pills now....will report in when I have some news.

  13. I have tears in my eyes. I am so happy for Brian and Pat that they can attend this wedding. It is very much the "sweet" part of things.

    As for the bitter side...well, right now I just don't want to think about anything but the sweet side. I want them to go to that wedding, dance, and I want to see pictures later on. 8)

    Who knows? Maybe attending this family event will spawn the miracle we all want for Brian!! Maybe by the time he gets home, the tumors will have stopped growing. Maybe a good dose of love, family and celebration will be just the ticket to turn things around.

    At least, that's what's in my heart right now...and I'm going to keep wishing, hoping, vibing and having my conversations with God about it.

    All thru the weekend, I'm just going to be having those "sweet" thoughts of and for our favorite "Brat".

  14. Probably just routine...and I'm not terribly worried, but for having had some tummy 'unrest' lately. Bet it's just low counts and chemo though...as it's not constant.

    Fatigue remains an issue...but I'm gaining on it a bit. Didn't really nap yesterdy and even dusted the den furniture! :shock: Thought hubby would faint. :roll:

    Will let you know results when I have them. Friday, at the latest....perhaps late Thurs. afternoon.

  15. Kase, darlin.....you have the best of what I have to offer....you know that!

    Sorry I missed this yesterday....but am sending all good thoughts your way today...hoping you get news of stable, at worst.

    Please do report in as soon as you know. Meanwhile, honey, we've got your pork chop....okay?

  16. In a sense, PCI and WBR are indeed the same. It might be a matter of the dosage of centiGrays....

    In my case I had PCI last November. 200 cGrays per day for 13 days.

    In August of this year...I had a brain full of small mets so underwent more brain radiation...and again, was given the same dose...200 cGrays per day for 13 days. It's all the whole brain radiation I can have.

    They did irradiate my whole brain....although nobody actually referred to it as WBR...I don't know what else you'd call it. Sometimes docs get creative with terming things anyway (like the day my onc referred to the brain mets as "deposits". :roll: I had to laugh. Such a "nice" term for BRAIN TUMORS~!!!! :shock: )

    Radiating the whole brain is different than gamma or laser knife, where the radiation is pinpointed to just the tumors...and gamma/laser isn't done when there are more than a very small number of tumors.

    The radiation done in PCI is a lesser dose, because IF one ultimately ends up with brain "deposits" :roll: , as I did, they want to still be able to radiate the whole brain.

    And PCI is only "preventative" for as long as a person stays in remission. Once the cancer shows up again...no matter where in the body....all bets are off on the preventative aspects of PCI. This is why the decision to have it needs much consideration. Once my cancer came back in the liver/pancreas....it left the door open to the brain tumors that were found in August and zapped, forthwith!

    As for side effects...yeah, my memory is a bit sketchy sometimes. I have trouble pulling up a word...or remembering a name....or even what I had for lunch yesterday. But...I'm at that age where I might be forgetting some of this stuff anyway.

    The key is to keep USING the brain. I do daily crossword puzzles, watch Jeopardy every night and read a lot. I sometimes do things w/ my left hand, as I am right-handed...so this uses a part of my brain not normally used. I do handcrafts too..like knitting. Try threading a needle with old eyes and clear nylon thread. It's not only good for the brain...it'll increase your vocabulary, too~!! :wink::lol:

    All of these things involve the brain in some way...and are good "exercise" for the gray matter after a good zapping in the brain toaster! :wink:

    I have no regrets about having had the PCI. Had my cancer not come back....it may have been very effective. It sure has been for other people. Then again, I know people on these boards that chose NOT to have PCI and did just as well...are still NED.

    But having it is not a huge deal unless you do suffer from claustrophobia. Then being sort of "masked down to the table" may be difficult. It wasn't for me. I used the time to "image" a skeet shooter on his knee, blasting the h*ll out of my tumors.

    So far, it all seems to have worked. Only have two little tumors left...they are very small...and the radiation continues to work for a while.

    I intend to be around here for a while longer, those of you that might be hoping I'd take another vacation without a computer! Hahahaha. :wink::D

  17. In my car (which I can no longer drive till I get a Neuro's clearance - :? ) the dial is set to an Oldie-Moldies station. Give me the music of the 60's - into the early 70's. Even back into the late 50's. Nothing like the Beach Boys or the Doobies.

    Otherwise, I like some Carly Simon, some J.T. The Police, some country and have any of you heard any Eva Cassidy? Omigod.....she has the voice of an angel.

    And in fact, she is an angel. All her music came out posthumously. She died in her early 30's of melanoma, I believe it was.

    Her rendition of Songbird makes me weep.

  18. It's great to have you back posting, Unca Dougie. We missed you.

    Sounds like, in the meantime, you've been having some fun even while you've also experienced a bit of the roller coaster ride that is cancer, huh?

    If it makes you feel any better, I lost my lower front teeth a good three years BEFORE cancer. :shock: So far, since dx, I'm hanging on to those I have left...but there are days when I have to slurp a steak thru a straw, you know? Like right after a cleaning.... :?

    Looking forward to more of your journal. It's always a great read. :)

  19. Rats...I so hoped Bri would rally quickly and they'd be able to make the wedding...but the kids know they are there in heart and spirit.

    Thanks, Bun, for the update and be sure you express to Pat and Bri how much we all love them and are pulling for Alimta to WORK and not cause any additional problems.

    Dammit....this is a tough one. :(

  20. I signed up for one at my onc's...but he told me they were having difficulty getting the shots because the really big outlets....like ShopRite and other retail outlets that do clinics for the shots, order in SUCH high volume (millions of the shots) that it makes it more difficult for doctors and smaller medical clinics to GET them! :?

    Makes sense, if you think of it. Suppliers will fill an order for a million, before they'll fill one for say, several thousand....eh?

    Anyway, I'm on the list...and I am high risk so if someplace else around here gets them and my doc doesn't...then I'll wing it. Otherwise I'm gonna assume that, like last year, my onc DID get the shots and I was able to get one there.

  21. If there is nothing I have to go out for...then first thing is.....NO FACE! I would forego the makeup for the day (which is only about 5 mins. of eye makeup....but why bother!??)

    Then, I'd either work on my pins or knitting, might well remain in jammies or grubbas for the day...and watch as much golf as I can! The guys and the gals. Love to watch the women golfers...it's as good if not better, sometimes, than the PGA.

    I always look for a good movie I haven't seen on HBO or Showtime, too....just in case there isn't enough golf to keep me occupied.

    If it's a nice day...well, some outside time is great. But this time of year...give me the sofa and a warm "mingie" (what my dad called a blanket 8) ) and a couple of dogs by my side. I'm a happy camper and if you add a ginger ale or a grape soda and some popcorn, I'm borderline ecstatic~!! :lol:

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